单词 concuss 例句大全,用单词concuss造句:

Some get empty to concuss, seem to be desolate.
The happiness floats to concuss in the spring rain.
However you pour Tan to also concuss, can be my noodles to talk.
不过你倒也坦荡, 能当着我的面说出来。
An old man says like thisOnly time can concuss you by Di of mind.
It concuss to rise builtup wave in my heart, I when pass through you of river.
我的心中荡起层层的波, 我何时才能渡过你的河。
The writer sings an elegy of concuss the spirit returns to bowel for fool's tragedy destiny.
The world of mortals is billowing, but I is which, float to concuss, but where is its marriage again.
红尘滚滚, 而我是哪一颗, 飘飘荡荡, 而哪里又是它的归宿。
The drum of water current concuss, in the heart of aery absentminded, exactly is who is act in cooperation who?
水流的鼓荡, 心中的飘渺恍惚, 到底是谁在呼应着谁?
Water completed snow in the north, the gentleness be radiantThe lake noodles of the south start to concuss Ying Ying of ripple, smile.

单词 concuss 释义

  • 单词释义:vt.使猛烈摇动,震动  [更多..]



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