单词 conflict 例句大全,用单词conflict造句:

It is always women who are severely and negatively affected by war and other conflict situations.
Conflict and CoordinationRelationship between Civil Adjudication Supervision Process and Res Trial
The most glaring example of this conflict has been between agriculture and international relations.
In organizations it is usually not conflict but the avoidance of conflict that cause most problems.
冲突并不会造成问题, 往往是逃避它造成了问题。
abstract Objective To understand conflict management styles of nurses working in tertiary hospitals.
The gender dimension of conflict prevention and peace processes should be more adequately addressed.
The Conflict Between Administration Monopoly and Country Treatment Principles and its Legal Analysis
Women and children constitute a disproportionate number of the civilians affected by armed conflict.
The history of the rule of double actionability is the key to the theory of the conflict of tort law.
Thus, the argument may go so far as to opine that conflict diamonds are primarily an African problem.
In addition, societies recovering from violence are most vulnerable to falling back into conflict again.
An independent adviser has been brought in to conciliate between the two sides involved in the conflict.
Legal and Economic Analysis of the Conflict of the Advertisement of Offering Award and Unsuitable Interest
Furthermore, they called for conflict situations to be addressed multilaterally, through the United Nations.
Humanism and the ideal and the reality of social evil pose a potential conflict between the dramatic conflict.
The Mission would pay particular attention to the situation of women and girls directly affected by the conflict.
Is the organisations policy on conflict of interest and staff acceptance of advantages made known to all suppliers?
Women had also been particularly badly affected by the years of conflict preceding the restoration of independence.
在恢复独立以前, 妇女还特别受到连年冲突的严重影响。
Applying constitution by court doesn t conflict with the absence of the right for unconstitutional review from court.
A Research on Psychological Acculturation and Identity Conflict among Chinese Sojourners and Immigrants in Budapest, Hungary
First, there is no conflict between our respect for freedom of religious belief and our advocacy of dialectical materialism.
第一, 我们尊重宗教信仰自由与主张的辩证唯物论, 并不冲突。
In the event of any conflict between this License Agreement and the terms of the Contract, this License Agreement shall prevail.
The settlement of conflict of rights should be the demarcation of rights, and this will conduce to the inexistence conflict of rights.
All shareholders with conflict of intersts with respect to those of the corporation have a duty to abstain from voting in any such matter.
Many people believed according to the video recording that Lin Songling according to was not several times bountiful, causes the conflict escalate.
许多人据录像认为, 林松岭数次不依不饶, 导致冲突逐步升级。

单词 conflict 释义

  • 单词释义:争执;矛盾心理;冲突;严重分歧  [更多..]



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