单词 blew 例句大全,用单词blew造句:

Soon the leaves fell and the winds blew cold and gusty fr om the bay.
不久, 树叶纷纷飘零, 海湾刮来阵阵寒风。
He blew his top after airport officials refused to let him on a plane.
It awakened my memories just like a gust of wind blew a sleepy flower.
The band blew the fragile electrical circuit during their performance.
The car was barreling down the hill when one of the front tires blew out.
But even though she blew and blew on it, she couldn't get the fire going.
但是她无论怎么吹火, 都不能点燃它们。
My insides all turn to ash. So slow. And blew away as I collapsed. So cold.
The engineers in the army blew up the bridge before the enemy troop arrived.
He poured me a cup and added sugar, blew on it a few times. Put it before me.
James blew air through his straw and watched the bubbles appear in his drink.
I shouldn't have gotten angry, but when he started insulting me I blew my cool.
He quit the team. It really blew everything apart. You know he is the lead player
When John quit the band, it really blew everything apart. He was the lead singer.
约翰想退出乐队, 可那就乱了, 因为他是我们乐队的主唱。
As I was smoking near the window, the wind blew away all the ash around the room.
The little girl blew a spit bubble, as if in an attempt to organize her thoughts.
She felt a nervous as the whistle blew. She stuffed the wool back into the basket.
听到哨子声, 她紧张地抖了一下, 把毛线塞进筐子。
Allow for the official another, blew blow again, blow Acheron all the time, blow hell even.
为官一任又一任, 刮了又刮, 一直刮到黄泉, 甚至刮到地狱。
Authorities say3 women were among a group of pilgrims when they blew themselves up in Bagdad.
The photographer blew the picture of the actress up and entered it for a national competition.
He hastily blew out the light and slipped back into bed but remained apprehensive for a long time.
Trembling as the wind blew, which told of his joy of reunion to me by the dense aroma of white lotus.
Judges ruled that he supplied a battery for the suicide bomber who blew up the former prime minister.
It means that the clarion for roundly advancing quality education has blew at educational battlefront.
这意味着, 克拉里恩为全面推进素质教育已在教育战线引爆。
But at last it became night, and a cold wind blew upon the lonely one. Then arose Zarathustra and said to his heart
但最后夜暮降临, 一阵冷风吹向这孤独者。
An airliner has made an emergency landing in the United States after a hole blew open in the roof of its passenger cabin.

单词 blew 释义

  • 单词释义:vbl.blow的过去式和过去分词  [更多..]



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