单词 bison 例句大全,用单词bison造句:

Michael Essien Calmly walks over to snake and asks snake if it is afraid of Bison.
埃辛镇静的走向蛇, 并询问蛇是否惧怕非洲野牛。
The European bison having a smaller and higher head than the North American bison.
When the storm hit later that evening, I was sure this bison was now blanketed in snow.
暴风雪随之袭来, 我确定那晚那头野牛被雪覆盖了。
While early settlers had killed bison for food, now the killing became more widespread.
The rare European bison has a smaller head than the American bison and is slightly taller.
Bison was killed for their meat, while their fur provided warm clothing during cold winters.
Bison used to roam through the american great plains, but most of them is slaughter by hunter
Bison were killed for their meat, while their fur provided warm clothing during cold winters.
Bison were killed for their meat, while their fur provided warm clothing during cold winters.
野牛被杀了吃肉, 而它们的毛皮被制成御寒的衣服。
The Yellowstone Park Bison Herd is the largest public herd of American Bison in the United States.
Perhaps if the matter obtains is heavy I to enter hides with mine American bison and the polygonum multiflorum.
The Indians hunted bison, a type of wild animals which used to exist in large numbers on the plains of America.
印第安人捕杀野牛, 这种牛过去大量生活在美国平原上。
After you lost, please choose the same person to continous, than you will see the secret person challenge with Bison!
然后选同一个继续重玩, 就可以看见豪鬼!
The bison, moose and elk of North America do much the same thing as antelope and wildebeest do on the African savannah.
It does have its purposes like doing it on bison to prevent seeing the overlong ending, and doing it on cheap players is kinda satisfying.

单词 bison 释义

  • 单词释义:n.美洲或欧洲的野牛  [更多..]



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