单词 bluntly 例句大全,用单词bluntly造句:

This crisis can be contained only if we speak bluntly and rationally.
To speak bluntly, that student is sure to fail the English examination.
Especially news unit, generous speak bluntly, spoke for the farmer, truth.
非凡是新闻单位,仗义直言,为农民讲了许多真话 ,实话。
He doesn't, to put it very bluntly, give a damn about the woman or the baby.
I must tell you bluntly that should anything go wrong you will be held responsible.
To put the point bluntly, there exist more or less useful ways of making a fortune.
坦率地说, 世界上存在一些或有益或无益的赚钱方式。
The chancellor bluntly warned the Cabinet to axe public spending or face higher taxes.
To put it bluntly, its a ruse on the part of large scale interest groups for the future.
Everything pointed out bluntly, if the body too, may be more empty have a brighter future!
To put it bluntly, the banking system has been gaming the taxpayer on an intolerable scale.
一想到哈克可能失败了, 就难以忍受, 痛苦不堪。
To put it more bluntly the United States is in the beginning of a period of relative decline.
Corona lobes shorter than anthers, base with an erect, hooklike dorsal spur, apex bluntly acute.
snout short and bluntly pointed. Body elongated, tapering abruptly from the first dorsalfin base.
Leaf blade rhombicorbicular or broadly ovate, margin bluntly 35crenate, apex subrounded or obtuse.
叶片菱形圆形或宽卵形, 边缘钝的的具35圆齿, 先端近圆形或钝。
And to put it really bluntly, you know, people are willing to pay for stuff that has value, right?
坦率的说 我们很舍得买一些有价值的东西 不是吗
Now that there are peasant associations, the landlords can be bluntly ordered to repair the embankments.

单词 bluntly 释义

  • 单词释义:钝地;率直地;迟钝地  [更多..]



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