单词 boat 例句大全,用单词boat造句:

The yak skin boat has been dipped in water too long time. Lots of water leaked in boat.
After some hours by the boat you can reach the very old and abandoned Rdeysky Monastery.
And this amazing beach, accessible only by boat or a treacherous climb, is Grays canvas.
More, perhaps, another in the same boat ride to a total of detainees is also a boat fate.
The boat went up and down, and the small tin soldier wondered if the boat would overturn.
The boat moved away slowly. Sir Bedivere watched the boat on the lake until it disappeared.
船慢慢地走了。贝德维尔爵士注视着湖面上的船, 直至它消失。
May 5 after a year to commemorate the dragon boat 6, the Dragon Boat Festival food dumpling.
之后每年五月五日划龙舟以纪念之6, 端午食粽。
Boat wakes appear as slightly curved lines, accentuated by the pastel tones of the oil slick.
This has become now Boat Festival, eating dumplings, fried cake, the origin of the boat race.
It is absolutely true that a wooden boat cannot compare with a steamer, much less than airplane.
Dragon Boat Festival as much and indirectly describes the origins of Dragon Boat Festival vulgar.
Many dragon boat in river boat races, water everywhere, firecracker smoke hazy, very spectacular.
Upset a cup of water into a depression on the mud floor and a mustard seed will float like a boat.
The custom of Dragon Boat competitions at the Dragon Boat Festival in this town has a long history.
The custom of dragon boat competitions at the Dragon Boat Festival in this town has a long history.
Boat buyers tend to overestimate how often theyll set sail and minimize how much the boat will cost.
The boat clawed off slowly until it reached the wind, when the sails filled and the boat gathered speed.
If slightly damaged by termite eating, goods on a boat might decay; if heavily damaged, the boat might sink.
Shining on the bank, rippling the water, How naughty, you even fondle the boat.What a character, you fondle the boat
注这首诗很俏皮, 把它拟人化了, 就容易动笔。
When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to look for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat.
Propeller, esp of a ship or motor boat a large wheel fitted with paddles and driven by an engine in order to propel a boat.
If we place a tiny boat at some fixed point in the pond, the boat will bob up and down rhythmically as the waves pass under it.
If you are planning to inflate and deflate your boat often, then the air floor is your best solution, because the boat folds compactly.
回答一旦充了气, 充气底板会变得和木底板一样硬。
That sort of acceleration, combined with the boat's exceptional handling capabilities, guarantees you a wild ride from the first 0.1 second to the last.
This is the boat that that lady was paddling around in, and this artisan makes the boat and the paddles and sells directly to the people who need the boat and the paddles.
而这位工匠制造船和桨 然后直接卖给

单词 boat 释义



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