单词 bole 例句大全,用单词bole造句:

Because that suit your not appearing yet, your Bole has not seen you yet.
Spatial Distribution for Main Nutrient Elements in Bole of NorthChina Larch
Bole whose real name is Yang Sun, he is the person Spring and Autumn Period.
The detonator must be correctly fed into the drill bole during charging work.
Solar Energy Storage and Distribution in Bole Stage of Chinese Fir Plantation.
Of course, Bole they were going to pass on the knowledge content of the letter.
当然, 柏勒罗丰对自己将要传递的信件内容一无所知。
Only after Bole came into the world were there horses able to gallop one thousand li.
The speedy thoroughbred depend on oneself to rush out, don't depend a Bole to come out.
Swift coursers are available more often than not, but people like Bole are rarely found.
Time, Bole by Chu's mandate and accommodation, buying on line can be dry inside the horse.
一次, 伯乐受楚王的委托, 购买能日行干里的骏马。
Next, from the negative side argues that Chollima Bole encountered when the tragic events.
A native of Ningbo, Zhejiang people Zhu Min, Bole now cause the biggest investment partner.
土生土长的浙江宁波人朱敏, 现在是赛伯乐投资的合伙人。
Anatomiaca Investigation of the Bole Location of Ramus Marginalis Mandibulae Nervi Facialis.
Trees to 25 m tall, d.b.h. to 60 cm, bole straight but buttressed in larger individuals.
But some problems about the white bole efficient utilization have not been solved thoroughly.
Term you line president is also the ocean ocean be satisfied and call oneself naturally good Bole.
任你行校长也是洋洋得意, 称自己天生好伯乐。
Application of artificial bole filling pile for eliminating risk and consolidation in Hongshan reservoir
If the root has no problem, you will help the tree grow by checkup of the bole or shearing the branchleaves
如果根没有问题, 那检查树干, 修修枝叶, 对树的成长有帮助
The discovery of a swift courser capable of running a thousand Li a day is invariably preceded by the emergency of a horse connoisseur like Bole. Swift coursers are available more often than not, but people like Bole are rarely found.

单词 bole 释义

  • 单词释义:树干;干材;原条;金莲花  [更多..]



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