单词 blank 例句大全,用单词blank造句:

Are we born with blank hearts, waiting to be imprinted with an imitation of love?
我们是不是生就空白的心灵, 等着被打上类似于爱的烙印啊?
Finally, did not forget to give your sitting room put apart space of a bit blank.
最后, 别忘了给你的客厅留出一点空白的空间。
I know one person who point blank says to better leave Mars alone. Leave it alone.
我知道有个人就指着空中说, 最好离火星远点, 离它远点。
The reader's input how the blank spots are completed drastically alters the story.
The research at architectural name may be considered as a blank piece of architecture.
You can set this argument to a blank value if the account does not require a password.
If you do not wish to automatically change your nickname when going away, leave blank.
如果您不希望在离开时自动变更暱称, 请将此项留空。
The working curve method was applied in measurements with the blank solution as reference.
I had had enough of aching feet, and I refused point blank to wear ballerina flats, she joked.
The Colonel approached the blank wall, a seam appeared, and then the two sections pulled apart.
上校走近空白墙, 一道接缝出现, 然后向两边打开。
A new method to free forge the blank of case of an aircraft made of superalloy has been studied.
For your protection, where appropriate, please cross out all blank spaces in the application form.
为保障阁工, 请划去申请表上所有空格。
Searches for Xinhua News Agency, Ministry of Commerce, and Ministry of Health returned a blank screen.
Elastic rubber method and rigid blank holders were used to apply blank holder force with different methods.
A new method has been used to simulate the actual blank holding process in deep drawing of a washing trough.
Vegetable the autumn Be very not cozy to invigorate to have morale, saw for blank come to seek rich brocade.
In your opinion, please take into consideration that credit apparently does not request the blank endorsement.
Blank group at 12 weeks, the two bone ends shows atrophy and sclerosis with closed medullary canal and nonunion.
When grit cloth or sandpaper cannot be used, increasing the blank size in a particular area on the blank also can help.
The results show that the drawing formality of round corner rectangular blank is better than that of other blank shapes.
Scoring the winner in the derby last season was one of those moments where the adrenaline takes over and everything goes blank.
Vacuum base plating machine can perform highvoltage bombard function to clean the blank and to make the silver accreting closely.
and putting the rough blank after annealing to a second steel die for forging pressing and shaping to obtain the suspension clamp.
Studies on the Photosynthesis and Transpiration of Saplings of Picea likiangensis and Abies georgei under Canopy and in A Cutting Blank
HTML automatically adds an extra blank line before and after some elements, like before and after a paragraph, and before and after a heading.

单词 blank 释义

  • 单词释义:空(白)的;没表情的,不感兴趣的;彻底的  [更多..]



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