单词 bodhi 例句大全,用单词bodhi造句:

Fund raising carvival in support of Maha Bodhi School upgrading project
The second is the primal pure substance of the beginning less Bodhi Nirvana.
Eimer recommends either Dragonfly or Bodhi for a highquality, lowcost massage.
艾默推建高质量, 低成本的按摩是蜻蜓或菩提。
That is where Siddhartha sat in meditation under a tree called the Bodhi tree.
Hence, there is no greed in such prayers, but only Bodhi motivations and goals.
Here comes a question, why there are not bodhi trees along the Great Bodhi Road
这里有个问题, 为什么菩提大道两边种的不是菩提树呢
Bodhi is not a tree, Mirror has no stand. Nothing it must be, Whereon can dust land?
Willing to repent and forgive are both necessary steps to walk on the path of Bodhi.
But there is no harm in adding it as a reminder of the importance of Bodhi intentions.
但是就提醒发菩提心的重要性而言, 增入此是无妨的。
The Bodhi tree, under which Buddha attained enlightenment, was a banyan by another name.
佛是在菩提树下悟道的, 菩提又名榕树。
I wish I could get the Bodhi in my afterlife and my body would be clean and clear as Veluriyam.
愿我来世能得菩提, 身如琉璃, 明彻洁净。
Standing with one palm erect to hold on to singlemindfulness and bring forth the Bodhi resolve.
The mixed tea with bodhi leaf, chamomile and pot marigold can reduces weight and gets rid of greasy.
If we are able to see the illusory nature and futility ofsamsara, we can then generate a pure Bodhi mind.
若能了解轮回的虚幻和无价值性, 我们便能生起清净的发心。
Body is a bodhi tree, the heart like a mirror sets, always wipe off ground, without rendering the dust alight.
The Foreign Effect and Change of the Shape of Buddha Teaching picture under the Bodhi Tree in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

单词 bodhi 释义

  • 单词释义: tree 菩提树(佛教的圣树,相传佛祖在此树下得道成佛)  [更多..]



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