单词 bogey 例句大全,用单词bogey造句:

For many of us, being admired is a huge bogey prize, if not life goal.
Squandered a bogey comparisons, should take precautions and be prepared.
一忌攀比挥霍, 宜未雨绸缪, 居安思危。
Sincerely hope that you lot give me some help What Benming year shall bogey
Bogey tea immediately after a meal, the tannin in tea can affect digestion.
A bogey is a target that you must presume to be an enemy until you know better.
With some of the best antispasmodic drug, can lower abdomen Fu heat, cold bogey.
The examples below will use the old bogey team factor as a measure of the effect.
bogey and the duck with the food, old food is Yin Sheng Yang and edema diarrhea.
Bass bogey with cattle and sheep oil, cheese and chinese medicine nepeta with food.
bogey fried foods, because the hightemperature hot oil spatter caused fire occur.
snake melon bogey with milk, cheese, fish with the food, or susceptible to disease.
菜瓜忌与牛奶, 奶酪, 鱼类同食, 否则易生疾病。
a bogey struck chopsticks waiting for dinner, you can not use chopsticks random beat.
一个柏忌取得筷子等待吃晚饭, 你不能用筷子随意殴打。
eggplant bogey and snakehead, crabs with food, eating on the same intestinal damage
As soon as we add more realistic conditions, the saturation bogey becomes more and more remote.
The first thing you must do when you detect a bogey is to alert the other aircraft in your flight.
In contrast with them, as Bogey would say, fundamentalindex expenses do not amount to a hill of beans.
与他们不同, 标杆收益显示, 基本面指数费用微乎其微。
ZebraBanyin of Wannian Qing of the environment, bogey direct sunlight, the year in the indoor cultivation.
Second, bogey anger failing to anger, not angry, not angry, so as not to harm the physical and mental health.
忌怒气遇事不怒, 不生气, 不发脾气, 以免损害身心健康。
There is a feeling on Merseyside that Mourinho is jealous of the side which have proved a cup bogey team to his champions.

单词 bogey 释义

  • 单词释义:妖怪;可怕的东西;[体]标准打数;不明飞行物  [更多..]



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