单词 deflect 例句大全,用单词deflect造句:

Rich bribes serve not to move him, nor do dignities and emoluments deflect his purpose.
The effect of Coriolis effect is obvious by making the estuary deflect to south constantly.
河口得不断南偏, 可以明显地看到科氏力得影响。
The corresponding electric currents are used to deflect an electron beam in a cathodiray tube.
He said the Vartys were deliberately distorting facts to deflect attention from the real issue.
When you are being attacked, try to deflect the ball away from the player who is attacking you.
The ramp sits at an acute angle to deflect the intake air stream from the longitudinal direction.
The world can surely deflect this threat but will need to develop new knowledge and technologies.
But analyst Rothenberg says so far, Mr.Obama has been able to deflect some of the partisan criticism.
他们警告说, 总统的政府花销计划会导致国债的大幅下跌。
dispensing high fives and handshakes while they tried to deflect tiny hands from their cargo pockets.
But analyst Rothenberg says so far, Mr. Obama has been able to deflect some of the partisan criticism.
Intercepted intercepting intercepts To stop, deflect, or interrupt the progress or intended course of.
Advantages no pressure line of paper, cardboard singletrimming, single line pressure, the cardboard will deflect!
好处不压线分纸, 纸板单修边, 单压线, 纸板都不会歪斜!
Anyone with a morsel of gossip or an interesting project of his or her own can deflect you from your appointed task.
The pressure filtering belt of the belt pressure filter is not easy to deflect when running, and the extrusion shearing effect is better.
A character must tap a psionic tattoo, swing a sword, interpose a shield to deflect a blow in combat, wear a mask, or don a psychoactive skin.

单词 deflect 释义

  • 单词释义:使歪斜;使弯曲;偏转,偏离  [更多..]



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