单词 deepfry 例句大全,用单词deepfry造句:

Put in beef mince. Add some salt and deepfry.
Section and soak vermicelli. Soak and shred the black fungus. Deepfry the taro shreds until crispy. Set aside.
Avoids deepfry as far as possible kind food and sweetmeat, avoid eats to be mixed tartly excitant food.
Eat deepfry food and desert cake less, these food are fat culprit.
Deepfry the croquettes in medium hot oil until golden brown and crisp. Serve hot with Thai chilli sauce.
把虾枣放入火油内炸至金黄香脆, 拌以蘸汁, 趁热品尝。
This cuisine stresses frying, deepfrying, roasting and braising.
这个流派对炒, 炸, 烤, 炖都非常重视
Deepfry the pocket till golden brown and serve with garlic mayonnaise.
将包好的春卷皮炸成金黄色, 配上美乃滋即可上桌。
Heat oil in wok to deepfry the turnip pudding over high heat until golden or shallowfry. Drain excess oil.
镬内烧油, 把萝卜糕以大火炸至微黄或煎透, 取出隔油。
Drain dry the sago after soaking the spinach juice to avoid oil spills when deepfrying the shrimps.

单词 deepfry 释义



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