单词 deserve 例句大全,用单词deserve造句:

I believe you need an apology. You really don't deserve such treatment.
The astrologers, they feel, deserve it, purely by their very existence.
We must do so today in order to bequeath to them the tomorrow they deserve.
Avoid extreams forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
中庸避免任何极端倾向, 尽量克制报复心理。
The kimono deserve girdles generally does not, few XiGua pieces, appear drab.
和服的配饰很少, 腰带上一般不系挂件, 显得单调。
He doesn't deserve everything he is asking for,even if we were made of money.
He doesn't deserve everything he is asking for, even if we were made of money.
Those who suffer or who benefit least deserve help from those who benefit most.
Jose Mourinho admitted his Chelsea side did not deserve to beat Wigan on Saturday.
I just think they deserve one more happy weekend before we tear this family apart.
我只是觉得,在拆散这个家之前 他们该多过一个开心的周末。
Power source by deserve to bring supply of common on lumbar leather belt dry cell.
I really believe that all people deserve access to health at prices they can afford.
我深切相信所有人都应享有 他们可负担得起的医疗。
To thrash the man by yourself is to go beyond the law,even though he may deserve it.
Moderation Avoid extremes, forbear resenting injuries as much as you think they deserve.
Moderation Avoid extremes. Forebear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
Then it points out some issues that deserve attention in the process of aid reconstruction.
同时, 指出教育信息化援建过程中应该注意的一些问题。
Trust me, the love and you deserve will emblaze from Aristocrat Garden Matchmaking Service.
We believe that even routine accounting and bookkeeping functions deserve special treatment.
A novel that sets out to be diligently authentic in its treatment of history may deserve admiration.
It is as if the ancestral wisdom of Africa's peoples did not deserve careful study and preservation.
Ambry is brushed on lacquer of white tip line, board door shows wale, deserve to go up coppery fittings.
Then he said to his servants,'The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come.
The Chinese auxiliary verb is one of the very important Lexical categories deserve to be pay much attention to.
You keep good relations with your family, help the feeble and destitute, serve your guests generously, and assist those who deserve help.
We don't have them executed, not because their crimes don't deserve capital punishment but because such executions would yield no advantage.
不杀他们, 不是没有可杀之罪, 而是杀了不利。

单词 deserve 释义



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