单词 devil 例句大全,用单词devil造句:

Eg. In the novel, he bears the semblance of an angel and the heart of a devil.
在小说中他貌似天使, 却心如魔鬼?
I kind of think of it as this cartoon devil or angel sitting on our shoulders.
我想像它 像卡通版的天使和魔鬼一样 坐在我们肩膀上
Linda was willing to be a devil's advocate on any subject she is interested in.
Beautiful angel temptation and charm of the vixen to seduce the devil, who won.
Beautiful angel temptation and charm of the vixen to seduce the devil, who won?
The devil tempted christ, but it was christ who tempted the devil to tempt him.
What this country is doing in Africa is as much as holding a light to the devil.
As is often true in algorithm analysis, the devil is in the mathematical details.
和通常算法分析一样, 最麻烦的部分是数学细节。
Metamorphosis. when depravation becomes a habit. an angel will turn into a devil.
Coffee should be black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love.
咖啡必须漆黑如恶魔, 灼热似地狱, 纯洁似天使, 甜蜜如爱情。
That devil resembles my home like collecting administration fee, a month comes only.
我家那死鬼就像收管理费一样, 一个月只来一次。
So let me play devil advocate and consider the positive for buying a home right now.
因此, 让我冒天下之大不韪, 考虑一下眼下买房子的积极一面。
He refused to admit he was a devil worshiper and professed the strength of his faith.
an alchemist of German legend who sol his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge.
Real Three Kingdoms of devil beast is matchless allow to change a key in regulation game
Angel or Devil, should quietly accept the fate and the fate of the baptism of the tease.
Pynchon is the devil who went beyond the grave to anatomize the remains of the modern soul
Often the interviewer will need to play devil's advocate in order to get a discussion going.
Thinking for yourself, playing the devil's advocate and asking questions were not encouraged.
Originally the fire burning sulfur to the lake is the emissary of the devil and the devil prepared.
Everyone who commits sin is a child of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning.
But that is where the Tasmanian devil cancer has acquired an absolutely amazing evolutionary adaptation.
但是袋獾的癌细胞 具备一种令人无比惊奇的 进化适应能力
Dirty and the helps deformation of physiology of allergy of mulberry devil psychology contributing factor like the dwarf
When they engage in a banquet or dinner party, wine is their adversary, putting them into the shoes of an angel or a devil.
应酬时, 酒是女人的敌人, 它把女人变成天使或魔鬼。
In the past a Devil's Advocate had the task of arguing the case against a person's promotion to sainthood, thus ensuring that only those candidates whose cases were very strong would be selected.

单词 devil 释义

  • 单词释义:魔鬼;家伙;淘气鬼;冒失鬼  [更多..]



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