Also inform us what is the maximum size of screws you can make in terms of length and dia.
Fault Dia Gnosis of the NonDistributor Electronic Ignition System of a FORD Passenger Car.
The Numerical Simulation of Two Phase Flow about the Liquid and Solid in Nozzle of DIA Jet
The Preseparation of high Water Cut Crude Influenced by Dia meter of Cyclonic Pipe Spillway
GreengageHa ha, you good good lovely oh.Ising not my hair Dia is me to can not help worrying you.
青梅呵呵, 你好好可爱喔。不是我发嗲, 是我对你放心不下。
Pattern design makes visual image design, multime dia design, space design and home design integrate.
化学概念是以命题, 表象, 产生式和图式等方式表征的。
Him I have sent back to youhim, that is, my very heart Dia kusuruh kembali kepadamudia, yaitu buah hatiku.
我现在打发他回你那里去, 他乃是我心上的人。
I have been your dying bride since the day you left me. He sido tu novia muerta despues del dia que me dejaste.
从你离开的那天起, 我成了你垂死的新娘。
And immediately the Spirit thrust Him out into the wilderness. Segera sesudah itu Roh memimpin Dia ke padang gurun.
So there arose a division among the crowd because of Him. Maka timbullah pertentangan di antara orang banyak karena Dia.
And he who beholds Me beholds Him who sent Me. dan barangsiapa melihat Aku, ia melihat Dia, yang telah mengutus Aku.
And after him Ibzan of Bethlehem judged Israel. Sesudah dia, maka Ebzan dari Betlehem memerintah sebagai hakim atas orang Israel.
耶弗他以后, 有伯利恒的以比赞作以色列的士师。
If then you hold me as a partner, receive him as myself. Kalau engkau menganggap aku temanmu seiman, terimalah dia seperti aku sendiri.
And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with Him. Maka nampak kepada mereka Musa dan Elia sedang berbicara dengan Dia.
And behold, two men were conversing with Him, who were Moses and Elijah, Dan tampaklah dua orang berbicara dengan Dia, yaitu Musa dan Elia.