单词 desperation 例句大全,用单词desperation造句:

With strength born of desperation, I reached the village.
They are brave, but it is a bravery borne of desperation.
他们十分勇敢, 但这是绝望中的勇气。
In order to reenter school, I took a risk in desperation.
He flung out of the room white with anger and desperation.
It is only desperation and anxiety that make them seem late.
如果感觉它们姗姗来迟, 那是因为绝望和焦虑。
Conflict must not be seen through the lenses of desperation.
Men and women alike screamed with rage, fear and desperation.
男男女女都一样, 又气, 又怕, 又绝望。
Lose the emotions of desperation and defeat in your interviews.
As their hardship heightened, so did their desperation and anger.
随着艰难困苦日益严重, 他们的绝望和愤怒也变本加厉。
Obviously, inspiration is much better change trigger than desperation.
显然, 改变触发灵感是不是绝望好得多。
So kind of out of desperation, I decided that I could think laterally.
失望之余 我决定来点创新。
In desperation, her father went to a neighbor to borrow 2, 498 dollars.
在绝望之下,他父亲向邻居 借了2500美金
In desperation, the old woman sold her ring to get some money for food.
Finally, in desperation, they went and they consulted a wise old woman.
I used to see some breathtaking beauties when I was in sheer desperation.
Finally, in a moment of desperation, David put the parrot in the freezer.
最终, 在一阵绝望过后, 戴维把鹦鹉送进了冰箱。
Feelings of anger, resentment, pain, and desperation are predominant.
Frustration, anger and desperation have led to a series of wildcat strikes.
Some might call it blackmail. The governor of Wyoming calls it desperation.
有人说是敲诈, 怀俄明州政府更愿意称之为无奈之举。
The smell of the kennel was rank, the atmosphere fraught with desperation.
He was a myth that had been created out of desperation and poverty and despair.
他是从绝境, 贫困和失望中创造出来的一个神话般的人物。
The routed enemy retreated to the beach, where they milled about in desperation.
Most of her wants to scream out in desperation, begging him not to leave her alone.
There are people on the dole with less desperation than bleeds through your letter.
In desperation, were overwhelmed by the sea lions had to loose teeth, bitterly left.
无奈之下, 寡不敌众的海狮只好松开牙齿, 悻悻离开。

单词 desperation 释义

  • 单词释义:绝望;孤注一掷;铤而走险;拼命  [更多..]



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