单词 desperation 例句大全,用单词desperation造句:

In desperation he closed his eyes and covered his head, yet still he couldn't sleep.
He heard about the devastationand the desperation of people affected by this disease.
FAN desperation, resort to the court in a divorce with the agricultural requirements.
in which passion for politics is gradually making room for blindness and desperation.
对政治的热情 逐渐被盲目和绝望取代
The staff of the police station was asked to help me to open a confirmed desperation.
只得请派出所的职员帮我开了证实, 无奈之下。
Of Li Heping risk danger in desperation stimulate will conspiratorial have one's way.
Desperation will descend, soon, incessantly, without any pause, unbelievably.
Yes, against the backdrop of desolation and desperation, the soldier does it with her.
Seven in her desperation caught hold of the drunkard's hand and laid it on her breast.
Poverty, alienation and dehumanizing conditions can lead to desperation and terrorism.
In the face of the city's desperation he expressed his melancholy through his painting.
Poem is the desperation hided in the sub consciousness and poem is the symbol of anguish.
而诗就是伏藏在诗人潜意识里得绝望, 诗是苦闷得象征。
It is your fearlessness of danger and difficulty who brings hope to people in desperation.
In his forties, he was almost destroyed by desperation because of the setback on his career.
近四十岁时, 由于事业上的挫折, 他几乎为失意所毁。
Then I made a trade that cannot make all one's life with respect to risk danger in desperation
Unilateral measures that brought about nothing but misery and desperation could benefit no one.
In the desperation of elections however, calculating politicians will often play the race card.
Eldest son one's life life is to listen, obsequious, but finally however risk danger in desperation.
In desperation, the airline's ground service personnel had to kneel down to apologize to the passengers.
无奈之下, 航空公司的地服人员只得向乘客下跪赔礼道歉。
He hated the blackmail, the deceit, the desperation, and the way one always stabbed the enemy in the back.
In case the talks fail, we feel that we will have to take certain steps to address the people's desperation.
万一和谈失败, 我们会采取断然措施来满足人民的愿望。
Suitable for various kings of refrigeration air crews, use as adjust the temperature, control the desperation.
Out of desperation you shove a few banknotes into his hand, hoping that you 're neither given too much or too little.
Nature teased us with a succession of calm, clear-pool moments of utter tranquillity alternating with turbulent, tumbling rapids of frantic desperation.
But between the challenge and exultation, there is monotony and desperation. But between such peaks of challenge and elation there is monotony and despair.

单词 desperation 释义

  • 单词释义:绝望;孤注一掷;铤而走险;拼命  [更多..]



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