单词 despot 例句大全,用单词despot造句:

Does the girl student lose hair being able to use despot to against taking off shampoo?
In short, that despot, the cannon, cannot do all that it desiresforce is a great weakness.
总之, 大炮这暴君, 它不能为所欲为, 力量是一个很大的弱点。
It has been said of old, that in a despotism there is at most but one patriot, the despot himself.
No matter how powerful they become, it seems there is one thing that no despot can ever have an honest editor.
为了在距离新政权的霸气, 临时总统和总理都退出民盟。
Fishermen organized spontaneously to struggle against the local despot that had monopolized the fishing market.
The despot has ruled his little country for 30 years, but now hes getting old and will have to pass his power on.
暴君已统治他的小国30年。现在他年事已高, 要让位了。
ruler exercising selfderived, absolute power despot The autocrat was replaced by a ruler responsible to the people.
The features of a local despot are portrayed incisively and graphically, revealing Zhang's desire to expose and attack improper power.

单词 despot 释义

  • 单词释义:专制君主,专制者;暴君  [更多..]



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