单词 detach 例句大全,用单词detach造句:

I thought she was going to detach her jaw and swallow you whole.
You can detach the handle of the saucepan by undoing this screw.
I tried to detach myself from the reality of these terrible events.
If you detach all processes, the debugger session ends automatically.
如果分离所有进程, 调试器会话将自动结束。
It gave me a good reason to detach myself from the rest of the party.
He decided to detach himself from the human world, and practice Buddhism.
Press the intake muffler upwards slightly and detach the fastening clamp.
To break up, separate, or detach by means of a sharp, pointed instrument.
撬用锋利尖锐的工具分裂, 分离或分开。
The care which he had himself taken to detach her from him was succeeding.
他设法使珂赛特和他疏远, 这已有了成效。
Attach or detach rules for trigger, and set priority of the attached rules.
Outcrops show that the cover did not detach along the uncomformity surface.
Release the fore lashing rope, down with the boat and detach the fore hook.
It helps them detach themselves from their problems and become more objective.
Have an assistant detach the twine from the wall and help you maintain tension.
Detach syringe and leave a meniscus of mixture on the hub of the balloon lumen.
Finally, Shenzhou 8 will detach and its return capsule will head back to Earth.
最后, 神舟八号将解体, 其返回舱将回归地球。
But most metals have electrons that can detach from their atoms and move around.
but rather to help you detach from yourself and take the situation less seriously.
而是帮助你摆脱自己, 不要那么严肃地对待情况。
The utility model can also detach the components of a plain bearing or other shafts.
Detach the sensing line from the inlet ball valve and the elbow on the relief valve.
Now, come to the Centre, you just separate yourself, you detach yourself all the time.
现在到了中脉, 你是将自己分离, 你总是不执着于己。
Instead, it waits forever for the now nonexistent thread to detach from the JVM in the
相反, 它将一直等待现在已不存在的线程以
Instead, it waits forever for the now nonexistent thread to detach from the JVM in the.
Note that the order of events in process attach is the reverse of that in process detach.
请注意, 进程附加中的事件顺序与进程分离中的相反。
It allows the water to detach the soil from the fiber side as well as from the perimeter.

单词 detach 释义

  • 单词释义:分离,拆开;派遣;分派;使超然  [更多..]



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