单词 detach 例句大全,用单词detach造句:

Extra Large waste collection cup with overflow design for convenience detach and cleaning.
特大防溢垃圾收集杯, 方便拆卸和清洗。
The target table of detach becomes available only after the asynchronous detach completes.
只有在异步分离完成后, 分离的目标表才可见。
Alexis saw his father detach himself from the group and walk away down the hill by himself.
Spreading the lower side of the front panel plate outward , detach the plate from the body.
向外侧拉伸前面板框的底边, 把板从机体上卸下。
The detach phase is the first phase of an update cycle for a given set of reporting volumes.
Disembodied Hand Detach one of your hands and send it forth to manipulate objects or attack.
Sometimes, however, it takes additional time to detach from all the processes being debugged.
Before you can connect to another server, you must detach from one or more of the listed servers.
Ruben That they detach themselves from the content of mankinds consciousness then, how does one live
他们从人类意识内容里脱离?那么, 人怎么生活?
Otherwise it must detach units to preserve signal and road communications, protect dumps and convoys.
We were finally able to successfully detach one of the barnacle creatures from its point of gestation.
Lists the application domains in the process and prompts the user to select the domain to detach from.
Standard Test Method for Determining the Longitudinal Load Required to Detach High Heels from Footwear
It may well be possible at the end of this month to detach the larger consignment from our home defense.
He had to detach himself from social activities for the time being in order to concentrate on his studies.
为了专心致志于学业, 他只好暂时撇开社交活动。
A pair person walks to the open spaces place, at once interchange some newses, this just respectively detach.
The popularization and application of bluetooth technology cant detach from the research and program of bluetooth protocols.
If you set a fully equipped army in march in order to snatch an advantage, the chances are that you will be too late. On the other hand, to detach a flying column for the purpose involves the sacrifice of its Baggage and stores.

单词 detach 释义

  • 单词释义:分离,拆开;派遣;分派;使超然  [更多..]



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