McCarey was a devout Roman Catholic and deeply concerned with social issues.
Little did my aunt imagine what a gush of devout thankfulness thrilled through me
表婶做梦也没想到, 我心里有多感激啊。
I saw with my own eyes that people there are devout believers of Indian Religion.
Ramadan, the month where devout Muslims fast from dawn until dusk began Thursday.
Little did my aunt imagine what a gush of devout thankfulness thrilled through me.
表婶做梦也没想到, 我心里有多感激
She was a devout Buddhist, and spent money lavishly on the construction of temples.
Devout wishes for our products and services can bring convenient and profit to you!
A devout Buddhist encountered difficult, we seek to worship Goddess of Mercy temple.
一名虔诚的佛教徒遇到了难事, 便去寺庙里求拜观音。
The ministry was a very devout and devoted his whole life to Christian mission work.
那位牧师是位虔诚的教徒, 把他的一生献于基督教传教工作。
A bigoted woman prating of a devout woman is more venomous than the asp and the cobra.
The ministry was a very devout man and devoted his whole life to Christian mission work.
那位牧师是位虔诚的教徒, 把他的一生献于基督传教工作。
Acts 8 0 And devout men carried Stephen to his burial and made great lamentation over him.
How pleasant and sweet to behold brethren fervent and devout, well mannered and disciplined!
若我们见热心的弟兄, 良善温和, 循规蹈矩, 心中是多麽愉快!
I was very devout in those days and was practicing my religious devotions almost to perfection.
That always wants to harms devout of after the king of the devil came, and changed the letter A.
Sutra streamers and Mani stone mounds put up by devout believers can be seen everywhere in Tibet.
在西藏处处可以看到善男信女悬挂的经幡, 堆积的嘛尼堆。
My master was Abbot Xingzheng. I was born to a devout Buddhist family of several generations of believers.
我师父是当时少林寺的住持, 方丈行正老和尚。
Devout and one who feared God with all his household, giving many alms to the people and beseeching God continually.
他是个虔诚人, 同全家都敬畏神, 多多周济百姓, 常常祈求神。
A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway.
他是个虔诚人, 他和全家都敬畏神, 多多周济百姓, 常常祷告神。
The island has become an attraction not only to devout believers in Buddhism but also to tourists both Chinese and foreign.
Pious Buddhists make a pilgrimage to a mountain temple where they burn incense before Buddha in a display of devout reverence.
These years, there has indeed been a large number of devout men and women going on pilgrimages to the Ling Yin Temple in Hangzhou.
近几年, 到杭州灵隐寺进香的善男信女真不少。