Winston watched them disgustedly.
Oh, Pa, 'she said disgustedly, you talk like an Irishman!
啊,爸, 她厌恶地说, 你说这话真像个爱尔兰人哪!
There's no point in arguing, he said, and walked off disgustedly.
Walking a few yards from the pit, I kicked disgustedly at the dirt.
我从沙坑里走出几码远, 气愤地踢着沙土。
Disgustedly, she averted her eyes when they brought in the mutilated body of the horse.
Kami picked up a clot of the stuff, too, made a ball of it, and heaved it disgustedly at the wall.
卡米也捡起一团沙土, 捏成团, 厌烦地朝能量墙抛去。
Winston let out the water and disgustedly removed the clot of human hair that had blocked up the pipe.