单词 disease 例句大全,用单词disease造句:

The rapid course of the disease mirrors how quickly the disease ran its course in its human victims in1918.
The rice blast disease, which is caused by the Magnaporthe grisea is one of the most serious fungal disease.
The Study on the Wind Disease Theory in Treating Angina of Coronary Heart Disease and Creating Blood Vessel.
Relationship between yangming disease and epidemic febrile disease in practical treatise on febrile diseases
The combination of the discrimination of disease and syndrome was required in the treatment of puzzled disease
The correlative of disease in remission stage, disability rate and interfering factors of cerebrovascular disease
The prevalence of nontraditional risk factors for coronary heart disease in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Carrying on instruction work of preventing and tracing the infectious disease, skin disease and venereal disease.
As a kind of disease, yellow sweat disease was first reported in Synopsis of Prescriptions from the Golden Chamber.
A Preliminary Study on the Pathogens and Symptoms of Brown Rot Disease and Brown Spot Disease of Pleurotus ostreatus
Ulcerons colon disease is a kind of general intestine catarrh,up to now the disease s origin has not been cleared.
Judging Relationship of Syndrome Differentiation and Disease Diagnosis from Concept of Symptom, Syndrome and Disease
You yourself will be very ill with a lingering disease of the bowels, until the disease causes your bowels to come out.
你的肠子必患病, 日加沉重, 以致你的肠子坠落下来。
The concrete disease concludes liver disease, liver channels disease and other organs disease affected by liver disease.
Prolapse of lumbar intervertebral discs is a common disease and a disease with a high incidence in orthopaedics department.
The scared disease, angst disease, hypochondriasis disease, relationship that forces disease and insomnia is very close.
Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of tsutsugamushi disease and guide to the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
目的分析恙虫病的临床特点, 为临床诊断与治疗提供依据。
Conditions such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease were also associated with impairment in the sense of smell, she said.
Clinical Effect of Sodium Ferulate Therapy on Chronic Heart Failure Resulting from Pulmonary Heart Disease and Coronary Heart Disease
and the person suspected with a communicable disease shall be kept under observation until the incubation period of that disease is over.
Anal fistula is the most suffering and Complieated disease after operation in anus disease. The complication often owars after operation.
肛瘘是肛门疾病中术后最痛苦, 最复杂的一种疾病。
Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD for short, is an umbrella term for the inflammatory disorders of Crohns disease and ulcerative colitis.
Complications, including heart disease, diabetic retinopathy, kidney disease, and nerve disorders, especially in the legs and feet, account for most deaths.
Deafness is not only a common disease, but also a refractory disease in otolaryngology department. Hearing impairment became the most common of all kinds of disable in China.
Mode of Combination between Disease Differentiation and Syndrome Differentiation Based on Disease Differentiation Described in Synopsis of Prescriptions from the Golden Chamber

单词 disease 释义

  • 单词释义:疾病;恶习,弊端  [更多..]



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