So we get the preexistence of Jesus and his divinity, right there in the prologue.
This group of knowers of divinity are the main participants in The Wesak Festival.
Myojin of Nights Reach is indestructible as long asit has a divinity counter on it.
只要夜幕明神上面有神威指示物, 便不会毁坏。
Myojin of Seeing Winds is indestructible as long asit has a divinity counter on it.
只要清风明神上面有神威指示物, 便不会毁坏。
Catalyzing to the Legend about Chinese Tree Divinity from Tree Worship in South Asia
Myojin of Infinite Rage is indestructible as long asit has a divinity counter on it.
只要嗔怒明神上面有神威指示物, 便不会毁坏。
Myojin of Cleansing Fire is indestructible as longas it has a divinity counter on it.
只要净火明神上面有神威指示物, 便不会毁坏。
Ganesha, in fact, is the symbol of he who has discovered the Divinity within himself.
Bevins view prevailed. The Emperor was stripped of divinity and direct political power.
Hence, Ganesha figures are most commonly seen with four hands which signify their divinity.
Qu Yuan the Disillusion of Two way Pursuing for the Divinity Character and Human Personality
Mr Wang asked the Black Dragon whether the divinity approved his appointment as temple chief.
王问黑龙王, 他能否做寺院主持, 龙应允了。
My father's little library consisted chiefly of books polemic divinity, most of which I read.
Pastor Chang graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary with the degree of Master of Divinity.
Therefore whoever worships another divinity, thinking it is other than oneself, does not know.
And the pass, the Gold Card, if you will, is your recognition, your discovery of your divinity.
而通行证这张金卡, 就是你认清了自身神性。
The construction and conception of esthetic divinity needs to raise the modem scientific spirit.
He believed in the divinity of Christ and baptized only those who asserted their faith in Christ.
Ph. D. dissertation, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School of Trinity International University, IL.
For divinity, make the the love of ourselves the pattern The love of our neighbors, but the portraiture.
There are many differing views within Christian groups as to whether or not Jesus ever claimed divinity.
至于耶稣是否声称为神, 基督教团体内部有不同的观点。
The most successful carvings in Dazu are recognizably human and less preoccupied with the concept of divinity.
宗教之世俗化, 生活化为其特色。
Holy Shock Moved to the Retribution tree, and replaced in the Holy tree by the new talent Blessing of Divinity.
天赋神圣震击转移的惩戒天赋中, 由新的天赋神之祝福取代。
Ethan Christofferson and his family spent an extended time in America as he studied at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
A boy with a brown hair, whose nose stands glasses Broadside was holding a magic wand that can lead you gently into the magical world of magic, so you have time for his divinity by surprise.
一个棕色头发, 在鼻梁上架着一副宽边大眼镜的男孩。