单词 disloyalty 例句大全,用单词disloyalty造句:

They may even accuse them of disloyalty.
His, disloyalty stabbed me to the heart.
They may even accuse the child of disloyalty.
He was dismayed to learn of their disloyalty.
I was stabbed to the heart by his disloyalty.
In France, yellow flowers symbolize disloyalty.
I felt that disobedience was disloyalty to my father.
Can we be sure they are free from any taint of disloyalty?
Only death could have forced that disloyalty from Melanie.
Because you are heartless, dont blame me for my disloyalty.
因为你不仁, 所以不要怪我不义。
Because you are heartless, don't blame me for my disloyalty.
因为你的没有良心, 所以不要怪我没有仁义。
Refusing to defend parents, school, or country is disloyalty.
拒绝保卫父母, 校或国家即为不忠。
Since the initiation Yu from the sea of bright sense of disloyalty.
Whatever be the reasons for it, we cannot tolerate this disloyalty.
At home royalists and every form of disloyalty were to be stamped out.
Disloyalty and betrayal have undermined resistance throughout the war.
在整个战争时期, 不忠和背叛使抵抗遭到破坏。
To choose foreignness is an act of disloyalty to one's native country.
选择客居, 可以说是一种对故土的不忠行为。
He hated happiness bought with disloyalty and cruelty and indifference.
他憎恨用不忠, 残忍和冷漠换来的幸福。
I don't think he cares for his wife all any more because of her disloyalty.
我不认为他还爱自己的妻子, 因为她对他不忠。
Be loyal to me such that he does not foment disloyalty among other employees.
I don't think he cares for his wife at all any more because of her disloyalty.
我不以为他还爱本身的妻子, 由于她对他不忠。
Charges had already been made against certain officials suspected of disloyalty.
If there should be disloyalty, it will be dealt with with a firm hand of stern repression
如果有人叛国, 我们将毫
The foreign minister had to pay the price for his disloyalty to the government an resign.
外交部长对政府不忠, 为此他付出了代价, 不得不辞职。
Behave yourself well. Don't give others any excuse for cursing your disloyalty to your wife.
控制好你的行为, 不要为别人指责你对妻子不忠落下口实。

单词 disloyalty 释义

  • 单词释义:不忠实;不信;不义;背信弃义  [更多..]



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