单词 displace 例句大全,用单词displace造句:

Also, a foreign student can not cannot displace and an American citizen in a job.
Wind and sea may displace the ships center of gravity along three orthogonal axes.
The Three Gorges Dam is currently being built that will displace a million people.
Wind and sea may displace the ship's center of gravity along three orthogonal axes.
A type of fluid pump in which reciprocating pistons or plungers displace the fluid.
The company would have a difficult time trying to displace you, even if you failed.
It was found to displace much more water than what ten pounds of pure gold displaced.
Persistent instability and conflict continue to displace civilians all over the world.
He waited in order to allow pure air to displace the foul atmosphere, and then went on.
他出来等了一会儿, 让里面的空气换一下气, 然后再进去。
Will ethanol displace gasoline or simply take food off our plates and feed from our animals
乙醇替代汽油, 将从人类, 动物口中夺食?
It could alternatively be used to grow bioenergy crops, which would displace fossil fuels.
Also, a foreign student cann't display on cannot displace an American citizen citizen in a job.
Syncopated v. change the rhythm of displace the normal beats or accents of, eg as in some jazz.
A succeeding election it might be supposed, would displace the offenders, and repair the mischief.
可以料想接下来的选举, 会取代犯过错的人, 并修补过错。
At the same time he made an effort to displace the big ironshod shoe which rested on his treasure.
To expose the anterior surface of the prostate, it is necessary to displace the peritoneum superiorly.
Drill cement with seawater and then displace the new mud into the hole as drilling out of the casing shoe.
用海水钻水泥塞, 钻到套管鞋时替入泥浆。
Replacing the petroleum wax will displace an estimated 100 million pounds of petroleum based fuel annually.
Results Twenty eases of metastatic lymph nodes showed displace and encompassment blood vessel of carotid space.
Zinc is less reactive than magnesium, therefore, zinc cannot displace magnesium for magnesium chloride solution.
镁较锌活泼, 所以锌不可以与氯化镁进行置换反应。
The force required to displace the micro droplet is recorded and used to compute the interfacial shear strength.
Will these improvements be enough for the virtual keyboard to entirely displace the electromechanical keyboard ?
Also, a foreign students can not display student cannot displace an american American citizen in a jop, international job.
还有, 一个国际学生不能替代一个美国公民所做的工作。
So insistent was he in his respect for ownership that he took care not to disturb or displace anything belonging to someone else.
因为没有一刻不尊重旁人的主权, 他绝对不动别人的东西。
No organizations or persons shall be allowed to seize, damage or displace the geologic environment monitoring facilities and signs.

单词 displace 释义

  • 单词释义:移动,移走;替换,取代;排水;撤职  [更多..]



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