单词 dram 例句大全,用单词dram造句:

With this dram right now I nail my soul to the Devils altar
一杯下肚, 我愿意把灵魂献给恶魔的祭坛
One of several modern units of weight, especially the dram.
He liked a pint, and a dram too, but not when he was working.
他爱喝酒, 常常不时地喝上一杯, 但工作时从来不喝。
The DRAM manufacturers almost have no profit margins to speak of.
The forming reason of soft rock roadway floor dram and its treatment
The Armenian dram has lost over a third of its value against the dollar.
It can increase bandwidth utilization while reduce DRAM power consumption.
Love is much like a wild rose , beautiful and calm but willing to dram blood in its defense.
爱情就像一朵野玫瑰, 美丽, 宁静, 可在自我保护时毫不留情。
Simulation of the Parasitic Interconnect Capacitance in the DRAM with the Stacked Structures.
The DRAM manufacturers almost have no profit margins to speak of. Many of them suffered losses.
The result is after my effort to review, with the teachers dram strength I am confident at last.
Application of Cylinder Dram Mechanism and Planetary Gear System in Multihead Antistealing Cover Seal Mechanism
In order to make dram come into reality, it takes an awful lots of determination, dedication, selfdiscipline and effort.
要想梦想成真, 需要很大的决心, 奉献精神, 自律和努力。
Playing dram on the stage and watching dram under the stage. People playing dram are madmen and people watching dram are foolish.
台上的在演戏, 台下的在看戏, 演戏的是疯子, 看戏的是傻子。

单词 dram 释义

  • 单词释义:n.打兰,一杯,微量;Dynamic Random Access Memory,动态随机存储器  [更多..]



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