Many people offered to donate blood and skin for the badly burnt worker.
I also pick up some diapers and formula to donate, also made in the States.
Frazier is so ugly he should donate his face to the US Bureau of wild life.
长得这么丑, 他应该把他的脸捐献给美国野生动物局。
If I had a million dollars, first of all I would donate money to charity.
What if I want to donate more than I feel comfortable sending through PayPal
如果我想多捐一点, 比我感觉很舒服, 通过贝宝发送?
The Apple company wanted to donate a computer to every school in the country.
I am not the only condemned prisoner who wants the right to donate his organs.
You donate money to a cause, and you become emotionally involved in that cause.
为某慈善事业捐 钱,然后你就放 感情在那件事里面
As the patient's life hung in the balance, many comrades offered to donate blood.
Some creators give up their copyright and donate their work to the public domain.
And it seemed as if everyone was digging deep into their pockets to donate money.
好像每个人, 他们正在挖深口袋捐款。
When asked about how much they will donate to charity, they just hemmed and hawed.
当问到将会捐多少钱作慈善用途时, 他们即显得吞吞吐吐。
Provided we meet our profit targets, we will donate one million dollars to charity.
It will also urge its employees to donate their time and knowledge in the classroom.
Councilor Jones said he was prepared to donate a hundred pounds to launch the appeal.
I owuld donate the whole amount of money to Orbis annoymously to support beneficence.
Why be advocate free to donate blood, and does the hospital sell price however piece ?
为什么都在提倡无偿献血, 而医院却高价卖出?
After appendix excises operation not full why do 3 months should not be donate blood ?
Zan donate it to the hope after a period of time engineering, help a destitute person.
攒了一段时间后, 把它捐给希望工程, 帮助贫苦的人。
A chemical compound or group that is attracted to nuclei and tends to donate or share electrons.
Church board had decided to donate some money to persatuan orang buta and agape counseling group.
Now that anonymity is no longer possible, there has been a huge decline in the number willing to donate.
现在匿名捐献已经不可能了, 自愿捐献的人数少了很多。
It is said that the more letters you receive, the more money the America anticancer association will donate.
Nuclear transfer could also provide children who need organ transplants to have a clone born to donate organs.
Many local residents are rushing to a mobile blood collection vehicle parked at a square near the site to donate blood.