单词 drag 例句大全,用单词drag造句:

And they're very adept. They like to drag it and drop it from appendage to appendage.
牠們動作熟練 喜歡拿起來丟左丟右
Drag onto the page to add a scrollable list, either alone or as a combo box expansion.
拖到绘图页后, 可以添加可滚动列表。
Calculation of Additive Drag of Supersonic Inlet under Subcritical Operating Condition
The drag increasing of the largerupswept afterbody is due to the afterbody separation.
The mechanism of reducing aerodynamic drag by acoustic excitation was briefly analysed.
To adjust the disk space allowed for games, select the drive, and then drag the slider.
要调整分配给游戏的磁盘空间, 请选择驱动器, 然后拖动滑块。
Drag the mouse clothing and fashion accessories that this matter was pure for her dress.
In this paper, the model and the factors which affect the drag reduction rate are given.
Joint of this foot of Zhi of ill main drag in reachs gambrel, also but drag in knee joint.
The main momentum transfer mechanisms are via drag, lift, and acceleration reaction forces.
Calculate the lift and drag over simple aerodynamic shapes in compressible, inviscid flows.
Billy, not wanting to abandon his friend, builds an Indian cot to drag Deans behind the horse.
Wind Tunnel Test Research on Aerodynamic Characteristics and Aerodynamic Drag Reduction of Van
In the absence of any air drag, I would get a nice parabola which will be completely symmetric.
The predominant motion of the first five or ten pixels of the drag determines the angle of the drag.
Acoustic Design to Control for Noise in Air Shaft of Coal Mine and Study to Calculation for Drag Loss
As well, due to the high terminal velocity, the aerodynamic drag penalty would be particularly great.
The unique aim of aerodynamic designer is always to enhance lift coefficient and reduce drag coefficient.
One of the methods to improve performance of furrow opener is to reduce soil adhesion and drag resistance.
Press and hold the left mouse button, drag the mouse and adjust their angles, and release the mouse archery.
按住鼠标左键, 拖动鼠标调整角度和力度, 松开鼠标射箭。
The experimental investigation and analysis on aerodynamic drag of high speed train are performed in the article.
Research of the affection and the revision of the kinetic drag in the verifiable experiment of newton's second law
The greatest drawback to tricycle gear is the greater weight and drag incurred by adding the large nosewheel strut.
前三点起落架最大的缺点是, 较重的重量及较大的阻力。
If you had the naggingfeeling that it was illegal to drag a dead horse down a street in Toronto, you'd be absolutely right.
Turbulent boundary drag reduction over riblet surface is an effective method to reduce turbulent drag, and it had very long researching history.

单词 drag 释义

  • 单词释义:拖拉;缓慢移动;拖着(脚或腿)走;(时间)过得很慢  [更多..]



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