单词 dot 例句大全,用单词dot造句:

Inflexible chin has the tooth dot strut head also aches, the neck is inflexible also.
This category includes video display adapters, dot matrix printers, and laser printers.
这类包括视频显示卡, 点阵式打印机和激光打印机。
If two vectors are associated with each other as a dot product, the result is a scalar.
Increasing average pore size of coatings film has a trend of making ink dot more round.
涂层平均孔隙增大后, 打印墨点变得更圆。
The 2 nd,on industrial link,want to attach a dot in order to cultivate bibcock industry.
Computation of Electron Energy Levels of a Quantum Dot with an Impurity in the Dot Center
Waxing followed to arrive by the dot face, from the shallower to the deeper, deeper principles.
The sailing ship hides in the distant place fragmentary dot, makes the oil painting background.
帆船是躲在远处的零星小点, 作油画背景的。
Is dot skin diminish inflammation good with iodin bend over good with tincture of iodine still ?
The dot solves my the whole day to feel algid, think vomit, have a headache already? Baa problem?
Dot for dot Reproduction of an already screened picture by photographing it as if it were fine line.
Determination of antibody to tuberculosis by dot immunogold filtration assay in tuberculosis pleurisy
Experimental study on enzyme dot assay for detection of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome antigen
This paper mainly introduces characteristics of the FM screening and the principle of dot appearance.
A second dot added after the first dot increases the value of the original note by a further quarter.
Business card printing and membership card making pressure collecting ink density can affect dot gain.
Numerical Analyzing of Effect of the Residual Strain on the Energy Levels in Semiconductor Quantum Dot.
Dynamical Localization of an Exciton Confined in Two Quantum Dot Molecular Driven by an AC Electric Field
Results We established and optimized the dot blot technique which had reliable results and low background.
I'll spell my e-mail address to make sure you send the resume to the right person: C A R L P at KHN dot com.
Argumentation and Application of Law of Sines and Cosines at Not Known Dot Setting Survey Dot of Theodolite Lead
Solving the displacement parameters of the connecting bars of spatial linkages by the dot product of two unit vectors
These usually have long and complicated web addresses, and Dot TK can make it a little easier for you and your homepage visitors.
他没准时到, 这使她非常生气。他答应过准时到的。
Every morning after cleansing, use fingertips to gently dot the cream around your eyes. Gently smooth in until thoroughly absorbed.
Analysis on Down syndrome screening by dot immunogold filtration assay and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay in9554 cases in second trimester

单词 dot 释义

  • 单词释义:n.点,圆点,园点;vt.在...上打点  [更多..]



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