单词 doubled 例句大全,用单词doubled造句:

In the blink of an eye, we nearly doubled the length of time that we're living.
就在眨眼之间 我们已经将我们的寿命 延长了一倍
and was taken out of service. The Concorde doubled the speed for airline travel.
In an astounding recovery, metals prices have almost doubled over the past year.
But she says the rate of decline in child deaths has more than doubled in Africa.
They douBled themselves up and stand on their hands and feet, to make the arches.
Since Chinas WTO accession three years ago, its import and export scale has doubled.
Numerical Simulation and Optimization for the Loess Doubled Arch Tunnel Construction
The number of additional judicial and arbitral decisions doubled during the biennium.
Reports from Iran say the country has recently doubled its capacity to enrich uranium.
伊朗报告称, 最近该国的浓缩铀产量已翻番。
Structural analysis and monitoring for secondary lining of doubled arch tunnel in loess.
The automation line heightens the effect. This has doubled the productivity of the mill.
Carriers, Motherships and Titans have had their corporation hangar array doubled in size.
航母, 母舰, 泰坦公司双倍船舱阵列。
I believe they've doubled their turnover since those advertisements appeared in the press.
By the time she had her insurance reinstated, her breast cancer more than doubled in size.
The productivity of the assembly line doubled after the polish from the efficiency company.
The productivity of the assembly line doubled after the polish from the efficiency company.
经过效率公司的完善, 这个流水线的产量提高了一倍。
As it is, boarding time has doubled over the last decades, according to research by Boeing.
据波音公司调查, 事实上, 登记时间近十年已经翻了一番。
The international trade in conventional weapons has almost doubled in volume every five years.
If alternate diffracted orders are blocked out , the number of lines in grating would appear doubled.
Well, this certainly will have meals I appetite doubled, direct your stomach if you eat dark side only.
Time may yet show that he should have doubled down on the gamble he took when he accepted Mr Obamas offer.
This is the new conver belt we had installed last year.We doubled our output in this department as a result.
这是我们去年刚安装的输送带, 使我们的产量提高了两倍。
Each piece is to be doubled folded, rolled on cardboard, wrapped in kraft paper and then packed in wooden cases.
双折卷板, 外包牛皮纸, 然后装木箱。
The villagers doubled their annual income after they changed traditional monoculture into diversified agriculture.
Beijing Capital Tourism shares, which have doubled in price since the start of this year, closed at13. 84 yuan apiece Thursday.

单词 doubled 释义

  • 单词释义:把…对折,折叠( double的过去式和过去分词 );是…的两倍;(使)加倍;兼任  [更多..]



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