单词 dynasty 例句大全,用单词dynasty造句:

Issues of the differentiation between Confucianism of the Song Dynasty and that of the Ming Dynasty and interpretative impiicature
There had been complicated conflicts between Jingshu and literature in the Imperial Examinations from Tang Dynasty to Yuan Dynasty.
Discussion on Officials for Company and Generals Created by Wushu Culture at the end of Qin Dynasty and the Beginning of Han Dynasty
A Comment on the Activities of Christian Church Members in China at the End of the Ming Dynasty and the Beginning of the Qing Dynasty
Comparative Study of the Military Fortresses along the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty and the Village Fortresses of Ming and Qing Dynasty
On the Alliance of Shang Tribe and Yi Tribe in the Period between the Declining Days of Xia Dynasty and Growing Days of Shang Dynasty
Aesthetics Features and Origin of Novels About Talented Scholars and Lovely Ladies in the Late Ming Dynasty and the Early Qing Dynasty
The Propagating of the Poetry of Jiangxi Branch in the Period of the Last Days of the Song Dynasty to the Early Days of the Yuan Dynasty
Chen Chen is one of the most important abherent poets of Ming Dynasty and popular literature writers at the turn of Ming and Qing Dynasty.
There was poetry in the Tang Dynasty and ci in the Song Dynasty, then what is the representative literature form in our contemporary society?
On the Aesthetic Standards of Chinese Westerners in the Northern Dynasty and the Revert of Aesthetic Interest in the Early Part of Tang Dynasty
The Earlier Stage Anthology of the Tang Dynasty Poetry and the Variational Course the Literature Thought of the Earlier Stage of the Tang Dynasty
Brief Account of the Measures against Corruption and for the Promotion of Being Honest and clean in Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms
Tang Dynasty until the Qing Dynasty before the Reform, Concealment System for each other from generation to generation, profit and loss is minimal.
唐以后直至清末变法前, 容隐制度代代相因相承, 损益甚微。
Study on the Eight Great Prose Writers and Buddhism in Tang and Song Dynasty Studies of Female Parallel Prose Writers and Their Works in Qing Dynasty
Does South Song Dynasty Inherit the Tactics of Defending the Inner Part and Making an Empty Show of Strength Outside Practiced in North Song Dynasty?
This thesis is mainly about the artistic thought of the famous calligraphy artist Wang Duo who lived from late Ming Dynasty to the Early Qing Dynasty.
Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of Ming Dynasty who had experienced the cruel governance of Yuan Dynasty, hatred the corruption of officials very much.
明朝开国皇帝朱元璋, 经历元末乱政, 对官吏的贪墨尤其痛恨。
The Northeast Clan and the Revolutions against the Qing Dynasty and Yuan Shikai at the End of the Qing Dynasty and the Beginning of the Republic of China
Qing dynasty Sandalwood tes building with carved people Qing dynasty Rosewood screen with inserted jade fish Qing dynasty Sandalwood screen with pictures
A Comment on the struggle that the overseas Chinese in southeast Asia Fought the western colonists in Ming Dynasty and in the Earlier Stage of Qing Dynasty
The system of full time remonstrant emerged from Qin dynasty, perfected in Tang dynasty, transformed in Song dynasty and terminated in Ming and Qing dynasty.
Of old, the rise of the Yin dynasty was due to I Chih who had served under the Hsia. Likewise, the rise of the Chou dynasty was due to Lu Ya who had served under the Yin.
The fourth chapter inspects the relation between the Society of Classical Learning Restoration and political situation at the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty.
Secondly, the tenth volume of Collected Rites of Jin Dynasty is copied from General Institutions, and the tenth volume cannt be regarded as the evidence for offerring sacrifices of Jin Dynasty to village god on square hillock.
二, 大金集礼卷十抄自通典, 不可为大金方丘仪之证。

单词 dynasty 释义



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