单词 dreamy 例句大全,用单词dreamy造句:

Someone told me that I wasn't dreamy but more like a nightmare!
有人告诉我我不是在出神, 更像是在做一个恶梦!
A dreamy , faraway and yet inward look would come over his face.
他看上去心不在焉, 神情恍惚。
Contemporaries viewed them as dreamy, eccentric and absentminded.
认得他们的人都认为他们不通世务, 古怪, 心不在焉。
My heart is a bird in the blue sky, soaring in the dreamy season.
A word that Wang Shutong likes most is Dreamy Gao Yuan, hardheaded.
王树彤最喜欢的一句话是梦想高远, 脚踏实地。
Man, therefore, is a curious, dreamy, humorous and wayward creature.
This is a clean dreamy fairy tale full of color the world of poetry.
The only way to meet certain speculations is by a dreamy resignation.
Here, trademark bass lines remain dreamy, the lyrics dependably cryptic.
在这里, 标志性的贝司依旧梦幻, 歌词仍然隐晦。
There were some beautiful harmonies meshing behind the dreamy bass line.
In the Odyssey Homer tells of lotus-eaters who live in dreamy indolence.
This is most noticeable in the fantastic dreamy scenery in the background.
这一点在背景里那精妙的, 梦幻般的风景中最为引人注目。
She was once awakened, and for the time being, clinging, responsive, dreamy.
He said nothing, but continued to look down at her with a dreamy gentleness.
The flash of her eyes had been succeeded by a dreamy and melancholy softness.
The first, announced in April, seems closer to the dreamy end of the spectrum.
In his dreamy state, he wondered whether he was in America or in a German camp.
We were waltzing together to a dreamy melody When they called out Change Partners.
Overlooking the dreamy Aegean Sea, it is hard to imagine a more perfect place to be.
Adding a dreamy aurora and starry night to the background enhance the beauty of hope.
Never once dreamy, her hands in her pockets no longer happily indulging her fantasies.
她不再把双手插在口袋里, 也不再沉迷于幻想。
Gentle, tender and joyous, is the dreamy white lotus, floating in the glisten of water.
In a dreamy state he saw his Master who had given his education for 14 years coming to him.
在似梦非梦之际, 他看见教他十四年的师父来到。
Claude Monets birthday saw the logo turned into a dreamy watercolor, complete with floating lily pads.
She performs the song with a longing and dreamy expression that gives the song a very special dimension.

单词 dreamy 释义

  • 单词释义:如梦的,梦幻般的;梦想的;轻柔的;恍惚的  [更多..]



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