单词 effectively 例句大全,用单词effectively造句:

Theresults indicate that mechanical activation can increase the leaching rate of zinc effectively.
Relievo on surface, effectively absorbs sound and reduces the sound refraction, enhances acoustics.
Chronic alcohol abuse may cause your heart to beat less effectively and can lead to cardiomyopathy.
Taking protective measures while having sexual contact can effectively prevent AIDS from spreading.
In order to detect the target effectively, the critical depression angle must be obtained in advance.
为了对地面目标进行有效测量, 必须事先求得临界俯角。
Objective To effectively reduce rate of hospital acquired infection in ICU and improve nursing quality.
Results show that the acoustic system of micro perforation plate can effectively reduce discharge noise.
试验表明, 微穿孔板吸声结构可有效地降低排气噪声。
The Timorese Government has carried out its national administrative functions effectively and responsibly.
To achieve water resources utilization effectively, water right distribution must combine with economic lever.
Our employment agency has done its work so effectively as to attract a lot of joBless people By its reputation.
Conclusion The application of thymus peptide can adjust immunity function effectively in bone tuberculosis patient.
Activating Toner is an activator made of the ingredients from USA, and can effectively activate cell regeneration.
Analysis on How to Make Inventory and Utilize Personnel Resources Effectively in Agricultural Science Research Units
Additionally, the Firmament also effectively kept out heat and other radiation that caused deterioration of the body.
Vicinal diol can be effectively translated into azelaic acid and the corresponding dicarboxylic acid monomethyl ester.
Liaise with General Manager to ensure production planning is carried out effectively to achieve optimum product output.
The RAM fluctuation is controlled effectively, and additional frequency fluctuation is induced from adopting the system.
采用该系统后, 没有发现产生附加的激光频率起伏。
And so, effectively, until the rise of the coffeehouse, you had an entire population that was effectively drunk all day.
基本上,在咖啡馆的兴起前,所有人整天 都醉醺醺的。
We report a case of elephantiasis nostras verrucosa without adequate care before effectively managed by simple treatment.
To use more foreign investment more actively and effectively by constantly improving the investment environment and climate.
不断改善投资环境与氛围, 更积极有效地利用更多的外资。
Qin bathing, changing clothes diligence, can effectively eliminate the accumulation of electrostatic surface of the body.
Continuously update and renew knowledge. Personal know how to accumulate the useful paper data or computer record system in effectively.
Move forward and manage the tax in accordance with the law actively, in order to contain the malignant tax revenue competition effectively.
The results showed that adding barium carbonate to the raw materials could enhance the acid resistance of the acidproof bricks effectively.
Intellectual property rights must be protected more effectively and piracy and patent infringement must be punished in accordance with the law.

单词 effectively 释义

  • 单词释义:有效地;实际上,事实上  [更多..]



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