单词 economic 例句大全,用单词economic造句:

The management of economic policy and the absence of cost pressures have also contributed to these results.
Economic unity of the pearl river delta and strategic reconstitution of the economic development of Huizhou
Now I have grown up and I hope that I will abate some burden for my parents, especially the economic burden.
我现在长大了, 也希望替父母减轻一些至少是经济上的负担
The abolishment of economic court and the discussion about construction of the mechanism of economic lawsuit
An Empirical Study of the Linkage Among Natural Resource Abundance, Institutional Quality and Economic Growth
Abstract Economic growth is mainly increase of economic aggregate which is based on growth of all industries.
The responsibilities to be assumed for a breach of an economic contract are mostly economic responsibilities.
The nature of audit is economic authentication, while the nature of government audit is economic supervision.
审计的本质是经济鉴证, 国家审计的本质是经济监督。
Foreign economic and trade development will be conducive to the promotion of speedy national economic growth.
The relationship between Economic Law and Social Law is important to the healthy development of Economic Law.
Study on Economic Culture Function of Soccer Fans and Factors of Aberration Actions and Prevention Measurements
This Agreement is subject to the Economic and Industrial Espionage Law of the International Economic Community.
In the economical stratification plane, is the economic value ecologicalization, namely circular economic value.
在经济层面上,是经济价值的生态化 循环经济价值。
This article divides the system of economic law into the microscopic economic law and the macroscopic economic law.
Strengthen economic legislation, speed up the building of the legal system, standardize the economic activities.
First is the transformation economic development way, advances the readjustment of the economic structure vigorously.
Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Trade and Economic Cooperation among Countries having Different Economic and Social Systems
Study on character of economic of the natural forest resources and Benefits of economic of natural forest protect project
But conformation confirmation is required for the director of the consulive economic advisersCouncil of Economic Advisers.
The development of economic and trade cooperation with Russian is component of economic and trade relation chine and Russia.
尽管中俄经贸关系发展时间短暂, 却好于中苏经贸关系。
I think that while we are carrying out the reform we have to improve the economic environment and rectify the economic order.
我赞成边改革, 边治理环境整顿秩序。
Great efforts must be made to press ahead with the economic restructuring so as to bring about a change in the mode of economic growth.
Improve the Transmission of the Economic Information in Advertisement and Implementing the Inducing Function of the Economic Information
The complementary nature of economic structure also provides a broad space for the expansion of bilateral economic and trade cooperation.
The establishment of the telecommunications universal service and telecommunications low economic contribution of the coordinated development of universal service and economic analysis model.

单词 economic 释义

  • 单词释义:经济的;经济学的;有利可图的  [更多..]



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