Cargo aircraft, in contrast, might be easier to reschedule, as might routine military flights.
An added benefit of these tempo runs is that the marathon pace feels easier and more manageable.
The drugs used in the first stage of the disease are of lower toxicity and easier to administer.
An intermediate class is more difficult than a beginner's class but easier than an advanced one.
As an employee, you can take advantage of this by making your evaluation easier for your manager.
Germany hopes that the next American administration will prove easier to deal with than Mr Bush's.
Formats and protocols that offer a reference implementation are much easier to adopt and propagate.
But saving for college is getting easier as more major brokerages offer tax-advantaged college saving plans.
The cavity of ACAs in the vertical recti was larger and easier to dissect than those in the horizontal recti.
Parkinson said that Internet advertising companies, the fewer, the easier it is for advertising to consumers.
The selftrapping transition of acoustic polarons occurs easier with decreasing the radius of the quantum wire.
Adding lead makes the alloy easier to cast because the melting point is reduced and the fluidity is increased.
Nothing would have been easier than to spring forward, and decide the affair by a close assault on his unprepared.
Building new technologies is easier and cheaper than adding retrofits to existing infrastructure, the scientists said.
科学家表示, 建立新技术比翻新既有的设备更简单且便宜。
Becoming acquainted with the fundamentals of web credibility testing is easier than learning the multiplication tables.
A We also have to make it easier to adhere to some of the longterm treatments by providing more behavioural incentives.
Over time, the small, hygienic acts of refactoring accumulate to make systems easier and easier to extend and maintain.
Creating an atmosphere of acceptance through empathy makes for an easier time with discipline and applying consequences.
The results showed that the adsorption rate of adsorption resin was higher and adsorption resin was easier to be desorbed.
Same, it is easier to still study accountant evidence directly. Enter oneself for an examination to door of Ministry of finance.
These usually have long and complicated web addresses, and Dot TK can make it a little easier for you and your homepage visitors.
他没准时到, 这使她非常生气。他答应过准时到的。
Additionally, due to their high enzyme content, sprouts are also much easier to digest than the seed or bean from which they come.
Polypropylene plant is a more dangerous chemical plant with easier fire and easier explosion, and has much more hazardous factors.
They can have unpredictable days and may not be acknowledged for all of the work that they do to make life easier for everyone else.
Governments in small countries also find it easier to craft and implement policy an advantage that might be replicated in the US by federalism.