单词 eczema 例句大全,用单词eczema造句:

Objective To investigate the modification of chitin spray treatment of eczema of the auricle.
It is also the best skin protecting oil against eczema, flaws , or infant fistula cloth rash.
也是湿疹, 瑕疵, 婴儿瘘布疹的最佳保护油。
Objective To explore the characteristics of contact allergens in chronic eczema and dermatitis.
Clinical study of betamethasone neomycin ointment in treatment of patients with subacute eczema
Observation of Therapeutic Effects of Pavisone Cream in the Treatment of Dermatitis and Eczema.
派瑞松霜治疗皮炎, 湿疹的疗效观察。
As the squid is inducing matter, people with eczema, urticaria diseases should avoid eating it.
Scrotal eczema, eczema, ear, umbilical fossa eczema, eczemalike dermatitis, such as infectious.
阴囊湿疹, 耳部湿疹, 脐窝湿疹, 传染性湿疹样皮炎等。
People with flaking skin disorders, such as eczema and psoriasis, need to be especially vigilant.
The Observation about Curative Effect of Treating Eczema by Halometasone Cream and Mupirocin Ointment
Eczema and other skin disorders are one of the most difficult conditions to treatment despite the en.
A smaller girl with scars of eczema on her forehead eyed him, listlessly holding her battered caskhoop.
Child acute eczema is a common disease in dermatology, which can be treated by TCM with obvious advantage.
Generalized lymphadenopathy also can occur in patients with such chronic dermatologic disorders as eczema.
AIM To observe the efficacy of compound econazole cream in treating eczema around anus with bacterial infection.
Clinic Analysis of Application Free Decoction for Diagnosis and Treatment Eczema with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Its herbal creams include psoriasis creams, herbal eczema cream, herbal healing cream, herbal moisturizing creams.
草药药膏包括牛皮癣药膏, 草药湿疹药膏, 风湿药膏等。
Often contact benzene, the skin but because of defatted and desiccate dry, some occurrence irritability eczema.
Research of Taking Orally Chushi Decoction and Using Externally Fufangkushen Lotion on Treating Cavy Chronic Eczema
Collect the symptoms of different patients, explore the distribution of TCM syndromes in different stages of eczema.
探讨在急性, 亚急性, 慢性湿疹中的中医证候分布规律。
Objective To study the effects of chronic eczema treated with pharmaceutical and combinated with psychologic therapy.
Clinical Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of Halometasone Cream on Patients with Neurodermatitis and Chronic Eczema
ConclusionFufang Chidili Lotion combine with Erhuang Adhesive Plaster for severe infant eczema has better curative effect.
Applying honey and cinnamon powder in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections.
皮肤感染部敷以等量的蜂蜜和肉桂粉, 能治愈湿疹,
Treatment for 42 Cases of Perianal Eczema due to External Hemorrhoid With TCM Therapy of Fumigating and Washing as well as Hip Bath
Eczema debaucjed lip is phlogistic include actinic sex lip phlogistic with benign and lymphatic hyperplasia sexual lip is phlogistic.

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