单词 eddie 例句大全,用单词eddie造句:

Eddie Mikey, Michael. You are taking Elaine Dooley to the dance
艾迪迈克, 迈克, 你要带她去跳舞吗?
Oh, Eddie, Danielle would be happy to talk to you, as a friend.
艾迪,丹妮尔其实很乐意和你说话的 以一个朋友的身份。
Eddie slipped the safety catch on his automatic back into place.
Eddie Hey, this is a classy joint. Do you see one spinning tassel
埃迪嘿, 这是个顶文雅的地方, 你看谁没有穿衣服呀?
What have you got, Eddie? I've got a packet of crisps and a Coke.
Eddie Oh, Mrs. S, what is the secret to your hearty, aromatic brew
埃迪哦, 西弗夫人, 你是用什么妙方做成这甜美芳香的饮料的?
Eddie and Danny like football, At four o'clock they go to the park.
埃迪和丹尼喜欢足球, 在四点钟他们去公园。
In the heaven, Eddie meets five people who once appeared in his life.
在天堂里, 艾迪遇见五个曾经出现在他生命里的人。
Eddie stepped back. He squared his body as if 33 bracing for a fight.
Flustered damaged Eddie petulance attempts by motorcycle will both die.
But alls well that ends well. Eddie is now free and his owner ecstatic.
埃迪现在自由了, 他的主人甭提多高兴了。
Anna approached several builders and was fortunate to come across Eddie.
Good morning, Kitty. Good morning, Ben. Good morning, Eddie. How are you
Boner Well Eddie. Maybe you should consider the possibility that youre scum.
波纳我认为你要这么说, 你准是个流氓。
In spite of his inborn disability, Eddie seems to have a good sense of music.
尽管安迪天生残疾, 但是他对音乐似乎悟性很好。
Eddie went quite beyond the pale when he got very drunk at the party last night.
埃迪在昨晚聚会上喝得酩酊大醉, 丑态百出。
Danny took off. Listen to this Didn't want to wake you. Went camping with Eddie.
丹尼走了,听听这个 不想吵醒你们,我和艾迪去露营。
Eddie, fresh out of accounting school, went to an interview for a good paying job.
埃迪刚刚从会计学校毕业, 去应聘一个薪酬丰厚的职位。
Boston announced guard Eddie House declined to exercise his option for free agency.
In 2007 , Grace portrayed Eddie Brock Venom in SpiderMan 3 , directed by Sam Raimi.
在2007年, 宽限期描绘埃迪布洛克蛇毒在蜘蛛人3, 导演山姆莱米。
When Eddie arrived at the cinema, Hobo had already waited for him for half an hour.
She was a smart cookie, and Eddie felt sure she would be able to suggest something.
她是个聪明的家伙, 埃迪相信她能提出好的建议。
By the time I was fifteen, Eddie had convinced me to go into the automobile business.
What's with the bike? Eddie thinks he can get me a couple of shifts down at the coffee shop.
自行车怎么了,艾迪想帮我 在咖啡店找份兼职。
That's Dr. Eddie Bernard, director of the Pacific Marine Environmental laboratory in Seattle.

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