单词 educated 例句大全,用单词educated造句:

America is experiencing a new breed of ambitious and educated young businessmen.
Kenneth Kuanling Fan was born in China, a resident of Taiwan and educated in USA.
Nowadays, educated young Argentines are migrating to Europe and the United States.
如今, 受过教育的阿根廷青年正移民欧洲和美国。
From being educated, to being employed, to being actually allowed to eat ice cream.
她们不能受教育,不能工作 甚至不能吃冰淇淋
Xiao Ming's father was an"educated youth" who later went back to the city.
Isabella and I belonged to similar worlds and we were educated in much the same way.
Weishaupt, born a Jew, was educated by the Jesuits who converted him to Catholicism.
The first part is the public authority and the minor is educated the power the limits.
Children must be educated to help you learn how to do housework, do not favor the child.
孩子拍了拍手, 彼得只得抬起头望着他。
Educated youth by it is to plaint oneself are broken cannot so, must seek a breakthrough.
Though somewhat more literate, they are ill equipped to compete with the better educated.
It is relatively more difficult to call for poorly educated people to conserve resources.
Command of the mother tongue is the most distinguishing mark of the educated man or woman.
This growing cohort of universityeducated women is also educated in more marketable subjects.
I was really shocked that a doctor and an educated men should do such a thing, said Col Jaff.
According to the statute, each appointee should be a person trained and educated in economics.
In contrast, it is extremely difficult for highly educated, wealthy people to immigrate to Norway.
在挪威正好相反, 高学历或富裕的人要移民挪威极端困难
I got educated on placer mining, and heard all about the controversy over the use of water cannons.
我得到的教育砂金开采, 并听取了所有的争议, 使用水炮。
Hundreds of academically educated designers improved the traditional models and trained weaving masters.
More-educated people, he noted, are often less likely to have habits, such as smoking, that harm overall health.
These indiscriminate attacks against the educated youth brought the literate of the nation to an angry boiling point.
滥捕滥杀青年学生的事件, 使全国知识界义愤填膺, 群情鼎沸。
For a commitment to observe in the Great Northern Wilderness as a martyr on the tomb37 Chen Jian, the educated youth.
These texts are all of general academic interest, and none is too specialised to be inaccessible to the educated reader.
She was engaged in the trafficking of young women and children. After Liberation, she was educated and abandoned the business.
Experts say couples are having fewer kids because of improved contraception and because women are better educated and working outside the home in greater numbers.

单词 educated 释义

  • 单词释义:有教育的;受过良好训练的  [更多..]



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