单词 elimination 例句大全,用单词elimination造句:

Calculation of radiation angle factors by boundary element method and elimination of integral singularity.
The radiator includes basis material for heat elimination, and multiple guide pillars for heat elimination.
一种散热器, 其包括散热基材以及多个散热导柱。
Elimination Way of Allowance for Marked Diminution in Value of Inventory in Consolidated Financial Statements
Plan of Action for the Elimination of Harmful Traditional Practices affecting the Health of Women and Children
A New Type of Locking Device of Mechanism with Alternating Motion THE ESSENCE AND ELIMINATION OF SHEAR LOCKING
The Research on Positive and Athwart Solution about Kinematics of Seven FreedomDegrees Scruff Elimination Robot
Algorithms of elimination and simplification based on geometric algebra in automatic proving of geometric theorem
Study on the Efficiency of Sulphur Elimination and Fluorine Elimination of Highbasicity Sinter of Baotou Steel Co.
包钢高碱度烧结矿脱硫, 脱氟的试验研究。
Favorable for assisting elimination of black spots and treatment of aging skin due to internal secretion disorders.
It is with pleasure that I transmit the annual report of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Application of Color Class Revision Technique to the Elimination of Color Mass Interference by Fingerprint Background
Studied the effect of citric acid, lactic acid and acetic acid on the black memtrane elimination of fresh beef omasum.
This includes freedom of association, the elimination of forced labour, child labour and discrimination in employment.
Excess lying down can damage the large intestine and lung meridians, which can affect both respiration and elimination.
Eats the vinegar elimination human body trash method food vinegar preservation Attains the day weather to be burning hot.
Inshaallah, after elimination of israeli the world can experience a significantly less violent and more peaceful ambiance.
Disturbance and elimination of digestive agent to colorimetric assay in the course of determination of total nitrogen content
Nuclear disarmament and the total elimination of nuclear weapons are essential in order to avert the danger of a nuclear war.
I believe that this Millennium General Assembly should take practical steps towards the total elimination of nuclear arsenals.
Backward elimination, only resolute, strictly control the total amount of iron and steel in order to resolve a critical situation.
只有果断淘汰落后, 严格控制总量方能化解钢铁危局。
The Function of the Entirely Averaged System of the Tangential Grating for the Elimination of the Errors Reflection about Round objects
Experimental studies of rhizoma Astilbes chinensis on its effects in abirritation, blood activation, cough relieving and sputum elimination
落新妇根镇痛, 活血, 止咳祛痰作用的研究
Rrosemary, lemon grass, European verbena and rose can adjust liver function, help elimination of toxicant for endocrine and ease urination.
调节肝功能及内分泌排毒, 利尿。
Experimental Study on the Effect of Reinforcing Body Resistance and Elimination Poison of Acupuncture on Morphine Abstinence Syndrome in Rats
For the right to take on America's Cup holder Team New Zealand, challengers begin four months of elimination-series racing in the Louis Vuitton Cup.

单词 elimination 释义

  • 单词释义:排除;除去;根除;淘汰  [更多..]



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