Soak the black fungus and shred thinly. Finely chop ginger, onion and pickled chilli.
The Blue water, green hills and all kinds of flowers contrast finely with each other.
Europe's share contrasts finely with each other with European dollar weakly powerfully.
Coffee ice cream with a rich coffee cream centre , Coated with finely crushed meringue.
Finely dice the water chestnuts black mushrooms, wash vegetable greens and silver fungus.
a substance consisting of ground,pulverized,or otherwise finely dispersed solid particles
Roughly chop the vegetables, and keep back a little to chop finely and serve as a garnish.
Truman inherited the system of martial arts, finely Wu Hospital, specializes in Orthopedics.
A substance consisting of ground, pulverized, or otherwise finely dispersed solid particles.
The charge has got to be very finely tuned indeed to the amount of rent a student can afford.
This time the costume juxtapositions and colour codes were even more finely honed than usual.
这次, 服装与色彩的搭配甚至比平时更加精雕细琢。
Finely machine, also known as efficient finely machine, third generation finely machine, etc.
The duncolored walls are set off by panels of blue damask and columns of finely veined marble.
Young shoots finely striate, glandular pubescent, brownish or with black points, internode long.
幼枝细条纹, 腺状短柔毛, 带褐色的或具黑色的点, 节间长。
The clinker is mixed with a few per cent of calcium sulfate and finely ground, to make the cement.
Description A finely made cloth hauberk studded in metal with an eagle emblem stitched on the front.
Equipped with special holder in order to tune the induction coil finely to the most rational position.
配备有专用夹持器, 能使感应圈位置微调以达最合理位置。
Microbes are finely tuned to inhabit specific chemical or physical niches where theyve got an advantage.
Soakdried scallops and shrimps until soft dried scallops into fine shreds and finely chop dried shrimps.
The aluminum may be replaced at least in part with finely particled zinc, zirconium, boron, or magnesium.
Attention Long hair sends tuft to want to coil a bit more finely, if coil too thickly, can lose flexibility.
注重长发发绺要卷得细一点, 若卷得太粗会失去弹性。
With finely conceived surfaces, contours and edges, the range is fully convincing right down to the tiniest detail.
c Put the diced sirloin into the pot, stirfry them finely, then add some warm water until it covers the meat tight over.
下入切好的牛肉翻炒均匀, 加入温水至刚好没过牛肉。
The gas phase, however, has a high concentration of finely dispersed ash, and to still greater extent that of soot.
Ground glass Glass screen at the camera back with one side finely grounded. Used FOR image focusing and checking of position.