单词 fervour 例句大全,用单词fervour造句:

This poem fully expresses the author's revolutionary fervour.
No guile disguised the fervour of love which animated her heart
Cool Reflection After the Fervour of Pursuing Escaped Criminals
He supported his local team with a fervour that border on idolatry.
The hype and fervour surrounding the event positively invited scepticism.
Her advantage rested where advantage never fails to rest, in moral fervour.
她优于别人的地方在于她的精神热诚, 这种优势牢不可破。
she cried , springing to the defence of the absent one with all her fervour.
她喊道, 满腔热情地为不在她跟前的那个人辩护。
keep alive the fervour of youth keep alive at all times ones youthful fervour
There might be a rekindling of the kind of nationalistic fervour of yesteryear.
He told them that social conflict, not religious fervour, had provoked the Iranian revolution
他讲到, 激起伊朗革命的, 是社会冲突, 而不是宗教狂热
Instead of losing hope, he kept on doing experiments with greater fervour until final success.
他并不失望, 而是更加热情地继续进行试验, 直到最后成功。
The Reformist Theory of Learning A Philosophy of Learning with Reason and Fervour in Perfect Harmony
Some Inspiration from a New Upsurge of the Investment Fervour for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment.
You should try to restrain the disproportionate fervour with which you throw yourself into commonplace home pleasures.
Research and Analysis on the Cause of the Springing up of the Mass Fervour of Going to France for the WorkStudy Program.
And had the government lost its case against Mr Reyes, it would probably have lost its fervour for criminal prosecution.
Always unassuming and easily approachable, Rewi Alley spoke with fervour and assurance so that perplexities could be solved and lacunas filled.
艾黎平易近人, 尊重事实, 在娓娓而谈中为他们释疑解惑。
The palpable fervour to discover ones roots has been felt keenly in immigrant societies like the United States, Canada, Australia and Singapore.

单词 fervour 释义

  • 单词释义:n.热情(美作:fervor)  [更多..]



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