单词 ferocity 例句大全,用单词ferocity造句:

Hurricanes and cyclones are appearing in unusual latitudes and with greater ferocity.
his face had suddenly become quite ashen and a look of ferocity had come into his eyes.
The floodwater hit the village with particular ferocity, demolishing around 200 houses.
凶猛的洪水冲毁了这个村庄, 毁掉了200多间房屋。
Fortresses construct the Blood Obelisk to increase the ferocity of their town defenders.
Despite the ferocity of the present onslaught, they do not appear to have been dislodged.
尽管村民奋力反击, 他们毫不退缩。
The winning photo captures the ferocity of a springtime fight between two cock pheasants.
Now the first thing that you notice when a crocodile hits you is the ferocity of the bite.
被鳄鱼袭击的话,首先感到的 是牠凶残的撕咬
The speed and ferocity of the Lehman Brothers crisis brought the world to the brink of a meltdown.
With their alternating bands of tranquillity and ferocity, hurricanes can seem like living creatures.
由于飓风既平静又残暴, 人们认为它们是有生命的。
Each of the two will suffer greatly from the others blows, but the animals ferocity will enable it to win.
它们都被对方殴打而严重受伤, 但动物的凶残会使其获胜。
Recruited by Polish generals for their speed, and ferocity, Polish archers are armed with a bow and a sword.
由于他们作战骁勇, 来去如风, 被波兰将领招至军中。
At the same time Mexicos drug war continues with unabated ferocity, and the concerns about spillover violence are real.
Time and again their ferocity has surprised the Get of Fenris or other interlopers who expected that lovers couldnt be fighters.
He delighted to witness Hindley degrading himself past redemptionand became daily more notable for savage sullenness and ferocity.
他幸灾乐祸的看着欣德利的日益潦倒, 日益狂虐和残忍。
From Legally Blond You know about competition. Its about ferocity, carnage, balancing human intelligence with animal diligence.

单词 ferocity 释义

  • 单词释义:凶猛,残暴;暴行  [更多..]



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