单词 fish 例句大全,用单词fish造句:

National dishes include fried fish, fish curry and fish soup.
本土菜包括炸鱼, 鱼肉咖喱和鱼汤。
Animal and drark and fed fertilize the fish and feed the fish.
Fish has to be cooked thoroughly. Avoid eating raw fish congee.
Industry Other fresh fish Alga Shellfish Turtle class Crab Fish.
They poison other fish and digest them while the fish are alive.
Remove inner fish and scales of kembong fish, wash and set aside.
去除甘望鱼内脏和鱼鳞后, 洗净备用。
You were born to be a fisherman as the fish was born to be a fish.
你天生是个渔夫, 正如那鱼天生就是一条鱼一样。
Darling has a fish, how is throat gotten stuck to do by fish bone ?
宝宝吃鱼, 喉咙被鱼刺卡住怎么办?
First, cut open the fish, separate the fish meat and the main bone.
首先, 将鱼剖开, 将鱼肉和鱼中骨分离。
Fish and chips, ie fish coated in batter, fried and served with chips
Fish tycoon Photo of Fish Head Soup. Photo of Fried Sliced Fish Soup.
And the fish had to be added with a specially made miniature fish net.
Adult fish do not seem affected.Older, bigger fish have thicker skins.
No flying fish broke surface and there was no scattering of bait fish.
没有飞鱼跳出水面, 鱼饵鱼也都没有散开。
Use the enzymolysis method to obtain the pure fish bones without fish.
They also used the fresh fish meat to make fish cake, it is hand made.
鱼滑汤采用新鲜鲛鱼, 搅碎后再使用手工制作而成。
Mandarin fish is te best one of the fish. The chef fish in a special way.
Fish were silent, although not all water fish, but all the fish is water.
鱼沉默了, 虽然鱼不是水的一切, 但水是鱼的一切。
Water is always aware of the idea of fish, because fish in the water mind.
fish fillets frozen pollock hake fillets cod fillets shell fish bay scallop
A fish hook has a barb to prevent the fish from escaping after being hooked.
Grimsby's Fish Dock is the biggest fish market, with nearly a mile of quays.
Descale yellow fin fish , remove and and bones keeping only the fish fillet.
将小黄鱼去鳞, 骨, 保留鱼肉片的部分。
Krill are already in some fish products, such as fish sticks and canned crab.
This fish is called Luoshi Black Carp, a quite commonplace fish in this lake.

单词 fish 释义



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