单词 fish 例句大全,用单词fish造句:

Even Scott, who is allergic to fish, was boning fish and preparing the dishes.
But clearly, fish a barrow will be much easier to shoot than fish in a stream.
但显然, 鱼放在推车将更容易射比鱼在一条小溪。
Thus, a fear of eating fish, I name it as Stucking Fish Bones Emotional Legacy!
Day before yesterday, daddy has bought a big fish bowl and some fish goes home.
In the internet era, quick fish eat sloe fish buit not big fish eat small fish.
在互联网时代, 不是大鱼吃小鱼, 而是快鱼吃慢鱼。
The whiskers disappear as the fish grow, and are not found on adult flying fish.
当鱼长大胡须就会消失, 成鱼身上不会出现。
Gastric evacuation rate of fish is an important parameter of fish bioenergetics.
Industry Fish Shrimp Alga Other spices Other health food Dried fish fishing line.
He could not talk to the fish anymore because the fish had been ruined too badly.
The groups that ate no fish and the most fish had similar risks of heart failure.
没有吃鱼的那组与吃鱼最多的那组, 其心衰的风险是相似的。
The dry prodnets bake fish, while squid bake eel fish, mussel meat and so on.
Industry Shellfish Fish Other fresh fish Processing of agricultural products Alga.
Bald eagles snatch fish at the water surface, rob osprey of fish, and eat carrion.
Removed after the fish boneless meat, cut into fish balls, mix well with marinade.
Feel bad boy, put his bowl of fish bowl folder to the mothers, mothers eating fish.
男孩心疼, 就把自己碗里的鱼夹到母亲碗里, 请母亲吃鱼。
Portugese Baked Fish's special homemade sauce is faboluos, the fish is juicy at mouth.
葡式烧鱼得秘制酱料好不可思议, 鱼吃下去还很有鱼汁。
They lived on fish and meat and used to make holes in the ice and catch fish and seals.
Invitation to participate in the feast of fish, usually made of colored cardboard fish.
Derived dishes grilled fish smell gluten mandarin fish, broiled fish, carp Peng gluten.
衍生菜品臭桂鱼烧鱼面筋, 彭鲫烧鱼面筋。
Snakehead, catfish and other carnivorous fish, like most fish, shrimp, mussel and so on.
黑鱼, 鲶鱼等肉食性鱼类最喜欢小鱼, 小虾, 河蚌等。
Fish and prawn fried fish with cream sauce fried fish with Tartar sauce fish a la Russia
Giving one a fish is only for a meal but teaching one to fish can benefit one for a life.
In the Bon religion, fish is the symbol of the klu deity, which endows the fish holiness.
Mother bought a lot of fish from the supermarket, and gets ready to cook fresh fish soup.
Breed balloonfish fish to compare the fish that breeds other variety, can score more gain.
养殖河豚鱼比养殖其它品种的鱼, 可获得更多的利润。

单词 fish 释义



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