单词 fish 例句大全,用单词fish造句:

First, we saw many fish, theyre lives in rainforest, such as Discus fish, Red parrot fish.
Does not belong to the fish, but may also incorporate into sketchily for the sea water fish.
When the infection spreads to gills of fish, the fish would breathe difficultly and then die.
Excellent for Tangs, baby fish, and undernourished fish that need bulk, Marine or Freshwater.
Danshui fish balls are balls of fish paste stuffed with meat and garlic served in a light broth.
淡水鱼丸是圆形的鱼酱酿肉和大蒜, 加上清淡肉汤。
When preparing your fish for the taxidermist, try not to handle the fish anymore than you have to.
The fish, originated in Indonesia, is carnivorous and classified as the older species in the fish.
Secondly, one should not fall into the trap of separating the accused into big fish and small fish.
Determination of Copper and Zinc in Fish Brain and Fish Meat by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry.
According to the condition of the fish, the fish farm's production volume this year will not decrease.
Besides, three fish were collected per replicate before and after the experiment as whole fish samples.
They breed and inhabit in the land, fish shellfish in the tideland, and take fish and krill in the ocean.
Foreigner Chang Chici the few sea fish, are not familiar with the river fish which eats the belt spinule.
外国人常吃刺少的海鱼, 不习惯吃带小刺的河鱼。
A robotic fish has sailed across an aquatic uncanny valley by tricking real fish into following it upstream.
The fish with fatty acid high content has Fish of salmon, chub mackerel and green beautiful fish and tuna kind.
脂肪酸含量高的鱼有鲑鱼, 鲐鱼以及青花鱼类和金枪鱼类。
The first brain food is fish. With its omega 3 fatty acids fish is essential for brain function and development.
But I would worry about SOME types of fish, like catfish with ecially sharp bones, not about normal smaller fish.
Dams to be built across fish and crab migration routes shall be provided with appropriate fish passage facilities.
But I would worry about SOME types of fish, like catfish with specially sharp bones, not about normal smaller fish.
Therefore, education of fish in winter, mainly fish diseases have been quarantine, treatment, mainly fish diseases.
Mixed minced fish with red curry paste, egg, fish sauce, kaffir lime leaves and long bean, knead for a while and string.
Researchers at Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industry have built an artificial fish to test whether the oscillating fins of fish would provide that control.
Marine biologists believe annual global fish yield of 150 million metric tons is attainable. Current annual fish harvest is about 70 million metric tons.
The method was investigated by ion chromatography for analyzing organic acids in fish sauce and the content of organic acids were detected in different fish sauce.
No species is more important to man and beast than pollack, the primary ingredient of frozen fish sticks and the fish items served by American fast food chains like Burger King and Long John Silver.

单词 fish 释义



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