单词 flexibly 例句大全,用单词flexibly造句:

Discharge the shaking box of ultra sound wave flexibly according to the actual demand.
The invention relates to a method for flexibly producing highquality calcium phosphate.
The flexibly designed stage shows the perfect integration of sound, light and pictures.
Check the accelerograph handle termly, and find out if the clutch handle can turn flexibly.
We can therefore, flexibly change the spectrum resolution by changing the decimation factor.
According to materials, processing face's shape, the cutting depth can be selected flexibly.
Play Flexibly the Board of Chess of Energy Conservation, Environmental Protection and Benefit
走活节能, 环保和效益这盘棋
Set up the device of input and output materials of trolleys, using flexibly and conveniently.
设手推车进出料装置, 使用灵活, 方便。
A nursing bed which can disassemble and assemble flexibly and used for paralytic relates to a bed.
His poor method of learning by rote made him unable to deal with the problems in his work flexibly.
Using opposite and yet be complementary. In compatibility of medicines, flexibly to use the classic.
For private sector housing development, the Government will launch the land sales programme flexibly.
在私营楼宇方面, 政府会灵活推行卖地计划。
Flip button in horizontal screen automatically when reverse read, easy to operate flexibly, to look at.
翻页键在横屏看书时自动反向, 操作方便灵活, 一起来看看。
individual must have some good business acumen skills and able to work flexibly in the challenging environment.
It is hoped that comrades in different places will carry out these policies flexibly in the light of local conditions
Dispersal, concentration and shifting of position are the three ways of flexibly employing forces in guerrilla warfare.
The interface of this software was terse, friendly and can be used flexibly and conveniently with steady and safe in motion.
软件界面简洁友好, 使用灵活方便, 运行稳定安全。
But should be regarded as a different matter to flow into the place or cloudy day to change in the river, but master flexibly.
Second, the contradiction between the ancients applied original text flexibly and the diversity of ancient editions of Confucian classics.
The design of dimensions, an internal steamer tray, a pressure hook, a pressure fastener and the like of the pot can be flexibly mastered.

单词 flexibly 释义

  • 单词释义:易曲地,柔软地;灵活地  [更多..]



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