单词 floriferous 例句大全,用单词floriferous造句:

Plants with Floriferous Fruit in Mt. Qiyun in May and June
五, 六月间齐云山有花果植物
Usually the more basal nodes are less floriferous , or not at all.
通常越近基部的节上花芽越少, 或根本没有。
Usually the more basal and terminal nodes are less floriferous, or not at all.
通常越近基部或顶端得节上花芽越少, 或根本没有。
Racemose long 312 centimeter, floriferous, first concentrated, hind few and far between.
Crammer 2 Some more floriferous will time hit powdery bottom to you can be made immaculate cheek
So, we would rather a bit more floriferous money buys the entrance instrument with operation longer time.

单词 floriferous 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.有花的,开花的,多花的,花盛开的  [更多..]



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