单词 foetus 例句大全,用单词foetus造句:

She curled up her legs and arms into a foetal position, ie like that of a foetus in the womb.
她像胎儿一样蜷曲起四肢, 即像子宫里的胎儿一样。
The diagnosis was based on specific histopathological findings in the foetus and the placenta.
诊断是根据具体的病理结果, 胎儿和胎盘。
Discussion of Antenatal Foetus Abnormality or Abnormal use the TwoDimensional Echocardiography.
This month, a woman in Lijin, Shandong, died during a forced abortion on her sevenmonth foetus.
就在本月, 山东利津一名女子死于强制堕胎。
Drugs should be given only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the foetus.
药物应考虑如果只是潜在的受益, 合理的潜在危害胎儿。
Clinical Value of Continuous Electronic Monitoring in Foetus with Umbilical Cord Round the Neck
Observation on the Articular Cartilages Most Superficial of Foetus by Means of Light Microscopy.
Summarize of Handled Difficulty about Delivering Head of Foetus in New Type of Caesarean Operation.
Malaria may also be transmitted from a mother to her foetus newborn baby before or during delivery.
Analysis of relevant factors and health education of foetus death during advanced stage in pregnancy
An infected pregnant woman may transmit the virus to a foetus, leading to miscarriage and stillbirth.
The value of color ultrasonography in the diagnosis of antenatal foetus umbilical cord curling up limbs
Ignoring to use a few sheep foetus a vegetable, having no a chemisette skin would ratio girls son good.
One result of this is that available iron reserves in the foetus are conserved to make more haemoglobin.
You have to be not fearful of you, this dark shell to shake foetus morale apt count at continuing yours.
Method The case analysis of difficulty about delivering head of foetus in new type of caesarean operation.
Conclusion The growth of foetus nervous system influence the growth of histological structure of anencephalus.
Difficulty about delivering head of foetus in new type of caesarean operation be resulted in by various factors.
Related Factor of Difficulty in Delivering Head of Foetus in New Type of Caesarean Operation and Countermeasure of Preventive Handles.
Because she had taken no exercise and eaten too many rich foods, the foetus was very large, and they couldnt hope for an easy delivery.
这几项合起来, 打算顺顺当当的生产是希望不到的。
There are too many differences between mammals and their reproductive physiology and embryology to be sure that no deformed foetus or infant would be born.

单词 foetus 释义



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