单词 harbinger 例句大全,用单词harbinger造句:

An icy harbinger of doom, channeling runic power and delivering rapid weapon strikes.
A flat or inverted yield curve has traditionally been seen as a harbinger of recession.
平坦或反向的收益率曲线, 传统上被视为衰退的前兆。
The Paris Commune will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new society.
Harbinger Gunship A rearmed century bomber equiped with machine guns in place of the bombs.
Some commentators have taken all this as a harbinger of full capitalaccount convertibility.
Condusion vaginal blealing in early pregnanlyisan important harbinger for adverse late pregnancy outcome.
The Jamaican OverDrive is the harbinger of things to come and the outcome of a confluence of a few trends.
牙买加是好兆头, 驶入了东西来的成果接近于几个趋势。
Recall as well that just a few months ago a 55 bio trade deficit was considered a harbinger of dollar weakness.
回想几个月前的贸易赤字为550亿, 曾成为美元贬值的预兆。
like to catch him the first month where have spotted the fish, then the harbinger of where the fishing harvest in June.
如正月里捕到身上有斑点的鱼, 则预兆六月里捕鱼丰收。
In truth, Bakelite - whose more chemically formal name is polyoxybenzylmethylenglycolanliydrid--was just a harbinger of the age of plastics.

单词 harbinger 释义

  • 单词释义:n.先驱,预兆;vt.预告,做...的前驱  [更多..]



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